A Green approach of Ag and Au Nanoparticles, Properties and its Applications: A Review

The emergence of nanotechnology has transformed antimicrobial and cancer treatment methodologies employed by clinicians. Conventional approaches, such as, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy and chemotherapy, now have a contemporary counterpart in nano therapy, presenting a potential alternative. This innovative treatment paradigm holds promise due to its minimal side effects in comparison to traditional methods. Notably, metallic nanoparticles synthesized through green chemistry utilizing biological entities, contribute to the mitigation of side effects while augmenting the metal’s efficiency against cancer cells. These environmentally friendly nanoparticles have become integral in research, demonstrating significant antimicrobial and cytotoxicity activities across diverse cancer cell lines. In this review concentrates on metal nanoparticles, specially silver and gold, synthesized via green chemistry approach. The aim is to explore their impact on inducing cancer cell death, delving into the associated molecular pathways. The primary objective of this review is to discern strategies for expediting the clinical applications of silver and gold nanoparticles based therapeutic systems. The overarching goal is to reduce normal tissue toxicity consequently elevating the overall efficacy of the treatment. Anticipated advancement in nano-medicines are poised to revolutionize future cancer treatment modalities, ushering in a paradigm shift characterized by minimal side effects and enhanced therapeutic outcomes.

Validity and Practicality of Learning Tool for Independent Campus Learning (ICL) Study Program Diploma 3 (D3) Mechanical Engineering Bali State Polytechnic (BSP)

The Independent Campus Learning (ICL) Policy is one of the policy studies that the government is currently promoting to be implemented in universities. Implementing this policy in educational programs, Study Program (SP) readiness is very much needed. This readiness is demonstrated by having appropriate learning tools that are in line with the ICL curriculum. Following up on this policy, SP D3 Mechanical Engineering BSP developed learning tools oriented to the ILC curriculum.  This research aims to determine the level of validity and practicality of learning tools in the form of Semester Learning Plans (SLP), and ICL PS D3 Mechanical Engineering oriented textbooks. The research uses a research and development approach with the Borg & Gall model modified into three development stages, namely: define, design, and develop. The validity test results show that the validity level of the SLP and the ICL SP D3 Mechanical Engineering oriented textbook reached 84.9% and 82.7%, both of which were categorized as valid. The practicality level reached 84.9% and 82.7%, both categorized as practical, with several minor revisions. The implication is that the prototype after carrying out minor revisions can be used as a learning tool and can be continued to the next development stage, namely effectiveness testing.

Opioid Use and Overdose Patterns in Puerto Rico in 2020-2022: A Retrospective Descriptive Study

The opioid epidemic is a recent global phenomenon affecting the United States and its affiliated territories, including Puerto Rico. There is a considerable gap in knowledge on how this epidemic has affected Puerto Rico. This gap can hinder the capabilities of healthcare workers to deliver appropriate treatment and preventative strategies to vulnerable groups. This descriptive study aims to describe opioid use and overdose in Puerto Rico during 2020-2022. This study analyzed data gathered by the Puerto Rico mental health and addiction subdivision of the Public Health Department (Administración de Servicios de Salud y Contra la Adicción; ASSMCA). Some of the noteworthy trends in this study include that most participants who suffered an overdose were overwhelmingly male and in the age group of 35-44 years old. Furthermore, most cases occurred in large metropolitan areas and happened in open spaces during the 12 pm-5:59 pm period. These findings emphasize the need for targeted interventions that consider the sociodemographic characteristics and geographical variations in drug use and overdose incidents in Puerto Rico.

Effect of Different Dose of Chlormequat on Growth and Yield of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)

A field trial was conducted during Kharif season 2022-23 at the sharadhey Bhagwati singh research farm of Chandra Bhanu Gupta Agriculture P. G. College, B. K. T. Lucknow  to find out the “Effect of different dose  of chlormequat on growth and yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)” .The experiment consisted of 6 treatments concentration of chlormequat (water spray, 250, 500, 750, 1000 and 1250 ppm) replicated three times. Results revealed that   growth parameter like days to reproductive phase, number of leaf  per plant, number of branches per plant and yield attributes i.e. fruit length, fruit girth, number of fruit per plant, and yield per plant was significantly  highest with chlormequat spray T6 (@1250ppm) as compared to rest of the treatment. However, the plant height and days to first floral initiation was significantly reduced with increasing dose of chlormequat and being highest with control. The highest fruit yield (110.22q/ha) was recorded in T6 treatment, which was at par with T5 (102.22 q/ha). whereas the lowest fruit yield hectare was recorded in T1 i.e. control (53.76 q /ha) . The percent increase in yield due to chlormequat @ 1250 ppm was recorded to the tune of 7.78, 27.02, 47.90, 74.37 and 105.02 over dose of 1000 ppm, 750 ppm, 500 ppm, 250 ppm and no chloremequet spray treatments, respectively.

Klub Golf Bogor Raya Improvement Plans Based on the Servicescape’s Perception of the Customers

Klub Golf Bogor Raya has not conducted revitalization of the field for twenty-seven years, while experts recommended golf fields be revitalized every once in twenty years (Klub Golf Bogor Raya, 2023). As for the game, most activities in the game are crucial and placed in the Green area, therefore the Green Area would be the focal concern in this final project study. Klub Golf Bogor Raya’s goal is to reach 60,000 NOP in 2023. To do this, the author conducted a customer satisfaction study of the golf field based on the Servicescape theory, especially the Green area would be a reference for Klub Golf Bogor Raya to execute decisions to reach the NOP target.

However the issue of the research method, needs to be validated, therefore the author conducted data triangulation. The study is triangulated with two sets of data: Klub Golf Bogor Raya’s customer satisfaction survey, and experts’ interview. All to address the assumptions that the Servicescape of Klub Golf Bogor Raya’s Green area is relevant to customer satisfaction.

Principles of Good Corporate Governance in Conflict of Interest Transactions between Public PT and Minority Shareholders

The research entitled Good Corporate Governance Principles in Conflict of Interest Transactions Between Public Limited Companies and Minority Shareholders aims first to know and understand and analyze the arrangements related to the implementation of good corporate governance principles towards minority shareholders. Second, to know, understand and analyze conflict of interest transactions that occur between publicly listed public limited companies and minority shareholders. The research method used in this thesis uses Normative research methods which are library research, namely research on laws and regulations and literature related to the material discussed. Based on the research results, it can be concluded First: the principles of good corporate governance in conflict of interest transactions between publicly listed public limited companies and minority shareholders. Decisions in the GMS made by the majority are not entirely fair to minority shareholders. Conflicts of interest that occur in the Company are often detrimental to the interests of minority shareholders. Second: shareholder protection is still not properly implemented by the board of directors because it violates the principles of fiduciary duty and statutory duty. This can be seen from the violation of the rights of minority shareholders, namely the failure to conduct an assessment, the failure to disclose information and the failure to hold an Independent GMS. On the other hand, OJK through its authority has protected the interests of minority shareholders by imposing administrative fines.

Sales and Operation Analysis: A Case Study in Pt. Berkat Popok Bahagia

The purpose of this paper is to help solve one of the current existing issues of PT. Berkat Popok Bahagia which is SKUs being out of stock. It turns out that there are several reasons for this. The first reason is the amount of the stock of each SKU in the system differs from the amount of stock in the warehouse. The second reason is the demand from the distributors is not in sync with the sales and operational planning team, making it when the distributors order products (SKU) from the factory, the product is not available because it might not be in the production process. The third reason is the forecasting method that is currently being used is less suitable. Author compared the forecasting accuracy of each forecasting method in the top 2 SKUs of baby care category from simple moving average method, simple exponential smoothing method and exponential smoothing with trend method. The results of the forecasting accuracy is based on the MAPE value in which lower value indicates better method. The forecasting accuracy measurement result when comparing the 3 methods between the 2 SKUs are respectively 24.3% and 20.24% for simple moving average, 20.28% and 16.19% for simple exponential smoothing and 18.07% and 15.65% for exponential smoothing with trend. The results indicate that exponential smoothing with trend provides the best performance among the three which therefore author recommend this method compared to the current simple moving average method.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales of SAMI RAOS

Ready-to-cook food has become more popular since post-pandemic.  Remote work and government regulations to avoid crowds have shaped mealtime routines, making convenience a priority. Ready-to-cook foods are in demand because people want quick, easy meals without disrupting their work schedules.  This shift in consumer behaviour favours the ready-to-cook food industry because consumers want fast, convenient meals. Given the ready-to-cook industry’s remarkable progress and resilience in difficult pandemic circumstances, MSMEs are competing to produce products with diverse culinary options to gain an edge in the market. The ready-to-cook food industry offers international, traditional, and health-focused options.   SAMI RAOS is a MSME that sells a variety of ready-to-cook foods. The company has been recognized for preserving and promoting Indonesian and Sundanese cuisine, such as baso aci, cuankie, and mie yamin in ready-to-cook form. The objective of this study is to identify the determinants that impact and improve the sales of SAMI RAOS products. This study employed quantitative methods, including consumer analysis, with a sample size of 227 individuals. The questionnaires were distributed online and utilised the Likert scale for measurement. The author employed both internal and external analysis techniques to conduct a comprehensive descriptive analysis of the company. The research employed internal analysis techniques such as Marketing Mix, STP (Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning), Value Chain Analysis, and VRIO Analysis. The research incorporated various external analysis techniques, including PESTEL analysis, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, competitor analysis, and customer analysis. The data obtained from these analyses will be used to generate a SWOT and TOWS analysis, which will serve as the basis for developing a business solution and implementation plan. According to the research findings, SAMI RAOS needs to make various improvements to its promotional activities and revamp certain management activities in order to strengthen its position in the market, optimize company resources and capabilities, and mitigate external risks.

Project Selection of Indonesian Local Oil and Gas Service Company Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

PT Duta Wisesa Servisindo or PT. DWS is a local Indonesian company that offers services in the oil and gas sector. This company was founded in 2015 when world oil prices were falling and used this momentum to invest in assets, especially in cementing units used for drilling and workover work. At the beginning of the establishment of PT. DWS believes that they can become the main local Indonesian oil and gas services company in Indonesia, because many local competitors stopped their businesses during the 2015 crisis.

In 2023, world oil prices have improved, at the end of 2023 PT. DWS received 4 job offers from SOE and private sector to work on in early 2024, namely the Jambi Project, Lampung Project, Jambi Project and Cepu Project, but due to unit limitations, this company could only choose 3 job offers to work on. Because PT. DWS does not yet have a decision-making process. In this research, the Analytical Hierarchy Process or AHP is used to provide recommendations for 3 projects that are recommended to be taken by the company.

In this AHP assessment, the criteria used as assessment parameters are marketing and sales, customers, financial feasibility, administration and project specifications, each of these criteria has several sub-criteria with a total of 13 sub-criteria. Based on the assessment, the criterion with the highest weight is financial feasibility (51.4%) and the sub-criterion with the highest weight is ability to pay (22.9%). After the assessment was carried out, based on the ranking, the 3 projects that were recommended to be taken were the Jambi project (33.4%), Cepu Project (30.7%) and Lampung Project (19%). Based on the assessment results, it can be seen that service users from the BUMN sector dominate compared to the private sector because they have the ability to pay and have high profitability compared to private companies, even though private companies are superior in terms of payment, administration and equipment requirements.

An Evaluation and Proposed Strategies for PT XYZ Tbk’s Green Bond

Environmentally friendly projects could be funded by green bond. The most recent company that issued green bond is PT XYZ Tbk. The company has 112.2 MW gap to their hydro power plant capacity target. Moreover, the green bonds issued has higher coupon than other green bonds in Indonesia. This research aims to find the issue’s cause, the effect of green bonds issuance on company valuation, and recommendations for next green bonds issuance. Compared with benchmarks in Indonesia and some issuers abroad, PT XYZ Tbk’s has no Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) rating and the green bond has lower credit rating than other issuers. The value of PT XYZ Tbk increases by 2.35% after issuing green bond, calculated using Discounted Cash Flow valuation technique. For successful future green bond issuance, PT XYZ should increase its credit rating, mitigate risk related to hydro power plant condition, and get ESG rating.