Basic Principles Inspire the Relationship between the Leaders and the Followers in the Physical Revolution in Bali

The basic principles of leadership in Bali have been known since the royal era and even earlier, namely since the community has settled down, gathered, defended the environment, since then the leadership element has entered. Leadership in Balinese society is inseparable from Balinese local wisdom, which is a form of unification of culture, customs, and religion. During the royal period until the physical revolution in Bali, leadership was always based on the philosophy of Hinduism. A leader in his leadership should always be based on the teachings of Asta Brata. In the 1945 physical revolution in Bali, leadership on the part of the fighters was greatly influenced by circumstances and nationalism. To be able to understand the loyalty of the people in war cannot be separated from the basic principles that underlie the link between leaders and followers which originate from the teachings of Hindu religious philosophy, especially teachings that discuss the basis of leadership which is always oriented to the nature/gods as a manifestation of God. To support the status of a leader, it is usually manifested in the form of an heirloom keris, the use of titles, troops and so on. Familiarity, the sense of responsibility of the leader with the loyalty that is led melts together. The leader will inflame the spirit of struggle, his followers are always loyal to support him. So that a strong patron-client relationship is established. From this background, this paper reveals the basic principles that underlie the link between leaders and followers in the physical revolution in Bali. The main problem: What are the basic principles that underlie the link between leaders and followers before and during the physical revolution in Bali? Data collection used the historical method through several stages, namely heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and the stage of writing research results. The limited written data sources that were collected to complete this work used the method of direct interviews with the combatants who held the helm at that time. And supported by a patron-client approach. The results of the study show that the basic principles that underlie the link between leaders and those who are led before and during the physical revolution in Bali are strongly influenced by situations and conditions, the spirit of leadership which originates from the teachings of Hinduism. The link between the leader and the fed is an absolute requirement for the emergence of leadership because there are people who want to follow those who lead.