Analysis of The Preparedness of Public Accounting Firm in Implementing Quality Management Standar 1 (QMS 1) Based on IAPI Guidelines (Case study KAP Nexia KPS)

Quality Management Standard 1 (QMS 1) is a standard established by the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI) to serve as a framework ensuring that Public Accounting Firms (KAP) deliver services in compliance with predetermined quality standards. The implementation of QMS 1 plays a pivotal role in enhancing quality management practices and fostering public trust in the audit outcomes produced by KAP. This study aims to evaluate the preparedness of KAP in adopting QMS 1 in alignment with the guidelines issued by IAPI. The analysis focuses on critical areas, including the adoption of a risk-based approach, leadership, technological integration, human resource capabilities, and the adequacy of existing internal systems.

The readiness of KAP in implementing SMM 1 is highly dependent on the ability to integrate this standard into all aspects of the KAP organization. By following the guidelines issued by IAPI and overcoming existing challenges, KAP can improve the quality of audit services and meet market expectations for transparency and reliability of financial reports.