TikTok Shop: Future of E-Commerce? How Can Galderma Leverage Tiktok Shop to Increase its Penetration and Improve its Market Share in Indonesia Skincare Market?

TikTok was introduced to the Indonesian market in September 2017. Upon its launch, TikTok quickly gained popularity among Indonesian users, especially among the younger demographic, for its short-form video content that allowed for creative expression and entertainment. One of TikTok services is TikTok Shop, an integrated e-commerce capabilities directly within the TikTok app, allowing users to browse, purchase, and sell products without leaving the platform. They launch this service in April 2021. The platform introduced features like shoppable videos and live shopping events, where users could interact with influencers and brands in real-time while purchasing products providing a new and engaging way for Indonesian businesses to reach potential customers and boost sales through interactive and entertaining content.

Galderma Indonesia Healthcare is one of the leading companies dedicated to advancing dermatology for every skin story. Galderma strategically its positioned in attractive, consumer-driven segments of the dermatology market, characterized by high growth fundamentals supported by science-based product differentiation and premium positioning. One of Galderma’s brands that is available in Indonesia is Cetaphil.

Cetaphil products are available in modern retailers with Health & Beauty channel as the top contributor, followed by general trade and pharmacy channel. Even though available, Cetaphil is still low in in skincare category penetration.

This study examines the positioning and promotional strategies of Cetaphil on TikTok Shop using qualitative research methods. Primary data was gathered through expert interviews, while secondary data was sourced from internal company reports, previous research studies, and strategic agency reports.

The Effectiveness of Deep Breathing Exercise Therapy on Oxygen Saturation among Patients with Ischemic Stroke

Ischemic stroke is an abnormality of central nervous system function in which blood flow decreases significantly, causing hypoxia. This systemic hypoxemia should be avoided; therefore oxygen saturation is monitored in the acute phase. One of the interventions that can be done in order to increase oxygen supply is by deep breathing exercise. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of deep breathing exercise therapy to increase oxygen saturation on patients with ischemic stroke. This study is a quasi-experimental study with one group pre-posttest design that has been implemented in the neural room of RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang with a sample of 16 patients with ischemic stroke who have fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Data was collected directly by measuring oxygen saturation of patients with ischemic stroke before and after a deep breathing exercise intervention. The data were processed by computer and analyzed as univariate and bivariate. Normality test results show the data is not normally distributed so that the analysis used is non-parametric test by using Wilcoxon test. The results showed that deep breathing exercise therapy was effective in increasing oxygen saturation level of patients with ischemic stroke with p = 0,000 so it can be recommended that this therapy can be used as one of the nursing interventions on patients with ischemic stroke to increase the oxygen saturation level.

Influence Marination Length Using Evaporated Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) Extract on Microbiological Quality of Beef Se’i

Experiment was conducted to determine the influence of marination length using evaporated roselle extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) on microbiological aspects of beef se’i. The completly randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments 4 replicates was applied in this experiment. Those treatments were P0 marination length of 12 hours without roselle extract; P1 marination length 6 hours with 5% roselle extract; P2 marination length 12 hours with 5% roselle extract, and P3 marination length 18 hours with 5% roselle extract. The parameters measured were pH, moisture, water activity and total plate count. Data compilled were analyzed using variance analysis and Duncan’s multiple range test. The result of analysis showed that pH and moisture of beef se’i significantly affected by marination length using evaporated roselle extract (P<0.05) but no significant (P>0.05) on water activity and total plate count. It was concluded that beef se’i produced through the marination process with different lengths of time (6, 12 and 18 hours) using evaporated rosela extract, showed characteristics of decreased pH, increased water content with high water activity and total plate count tended to decrease. The best marination length of this study was 12 hours using rosela extract.

PLEASE Strategy Based on Product Approach (PSBPA) to Enhance Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

Modifying a couple of method can cover their weaknesses each other. This current research aims to intently find out if there is a significant improvement in students’ writing achievement after the students are taught through PLEASE strategy based on Product approach. This is a quasi-experimental research design that conducts a quantitative method. The students were gave writing tests, namely pre-test and post-test. There are 23 students in a class. The students are given treatments with the strategy namely PLEASE based on an approach namely product approach (PSBPA). The data are statistically analyzed through paired sample t-test in SPSS version 22 to obtain the findings. The finding shows that there is a significant improvement in students’ writing achievement after the students are taught through PLEASE strategy based on Product approach. The score of post-test (73.46) is higher than pre-test (56.91). The t-value, which is 14.071 is higher than the t-table, which is 2.074 with the sig (2-tailed) is  0.000 which is lower than 0.05. It is suggested for teachers to apply this new strategy at class, because it can boost the students’ writing ability, especially in descriptive text. Teacher should integrate PLEASE strategy in teaching writing for other text types and use model texts to guide writing tasks. And for further researchers should explore the strategy’s impact on different age groups or other types of writing.

Importance and Application of Quality Tools in Healthcare Facilities

Wherever we go and whatever we buy we always look for quality. Every organization, company, industry, and institution is trying and struggling to give quality services and products, and to overcome the struggle, management experts have given many tools to improve quality for better outcomes. They are PDCA, 5 S, Histogram, flow chart, run chart, control chart, Brainstorming, Why-Why analysis, Pareto chart, Check sheet, Gantt chart, Scatter chart, Fishbone chart, Mistake proofing, and Six Sigma. This review aims to explain the importance and application of these Quality tools in healthcare facilities.

A Comparative Study on Increasing Post Harvest Shelf Life of Certain Fruits and Vegetables by Using Plants and Plant Products

Fruits and vegetable have their own self life. After harvesting, perishable fruits and vegetables that require combined afforts by growers, storage operators, processors, and retailers to maintain quality and reduce food loss and waste. The extent of coordination can vary greatly from loose in the case of local food supplies to complex for global supply chains. For smooth coordination and fresh use of vegetables and fruits, shelf life of fruits and vegetables can be increased using some plants like Aloe vera, Lemon, Turmeric and also by using some plant products like Castor oil or rich source of Ascorbic acid.

Development of OLMP Model Teaching Modules on SPLTV Material to Improve Students’ Creative Thinking Skills

Learning in the classroom that does not utilize media optimally causes the class to be boring, inhibits independence, and limits students from seeking knowledge. Apart from that, students’ creative thinking abilities in Indonesia are generally still relatively low. Therefore, come up with the idea of ​​outdoor learning to develop students’ creativity. The aim of this research is to describe the process and results of developing OLMP model teaching modules on SPLTV material to improve students’ creative thinking abilities. This type of research is development using a 4D model. The data collection methods used are observation, questionnaires, tests, interviews and documentation. The subjects of this research were 4 classes of class X students at IBU Vocational School for the 2023/2024 academic year. Based on the research stages that have been carried out, it can be explained that a teaching module has been successfully developed which has gone through the stages of definition, design, development and distribution. Then it can also be said that the teaching module that has been developed is suitable for use. This is reinforced by the mean value of the three validators of 87.45%.

Conceptual Frameworks for Conversational Human-AI Interaction (CHAI) in Professional Contexts

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing sectors like financial services, healthcare, and education, driving unprecedented progress and fostering innovation across domains. In this backdrop, basic conversational interface aka chat emerged as the predominant way to interact with AI systems. However, the current Human-AI (H2AI) conversations are fraught with a host of challenges necessitating a critical exploration into their design, strategy, and implications. Human-AI interaction design is hindered by fragmented and disjointed technology-driven approaches that lack design-led strategies to address emotional, adaptive, and holistic aspects of the field. This systematic study addressed this issue by developing conceptual models and frameworks integrating emotional, adaptive, and holistic social dynamics into Human-AI conversation design in professional settings. The comprehensive literature review spanning communication studies, user experience frameworks, design process models and conversational AI technologies revealed four research gaps. Through a multiple case study analysis across various industries, we developed four significant recommendations to enhance Human-AI interaction design. First, a typology of 12 Conversational Archetypes was established, providing a framework to inform dynamic and purpose led conversations in professional settings. Second, the Adaptive Conversational Interaction Dynamics (ACID) framework was introduced, integrating five dimensions—Conversation Management, Expertise and Competence, Emotional Intelligence, Trust and Credibility, and Personalization—to improve user engagement and satisfaction. Third, the Dynamic Experience Design (DxD) process emphasized a symbiotic approach with User Resonant Design principles and to create emotionally resilient and adaptable AI systems. Finally, the Conversational Human-AI Interaction (CHAI) framework integrated interactional, emotional, and ethical dimensions, ensuring AI systems are empathetic and ethically grounded. These contributions offer a comprehensive approach to designing advanced conversational AI that is responsive and adaptive. Further research needs to be undertaken to validate these frameworks through qualitative studies to ensure applicability across wider contexts, scenarios and cultures.

Philosophical and Methodological Analysis of the Transformation of Paradigms of Science and Education

The article provides a philosophical analysis of nonlinear thinking, shows the relationship of paradigmatic changes in the “science – education” system. The essence of the concepts of instability and nonlinearity in the framework of the theory of synergetics is revealed. The transformation of the paradigm of science and its influence on the model of education is shown. The paradigm of education in a digital society is considered. The position is substantiated that the theoretical and methodological basis of the dynamics of socio-cultural reality is synergetics and nonlinear analysis.

Bioprospecting of Marine Fungi for Production of Extracellular Protease

Proteases from microorganisms have attracted much attention in the last decade because of their gigantic potential in various industrial processes due to their proteolytic activity such as detergent, textile, leather, dairy, and pharmaceutical preparations. However, proteolytic enzymes from microorganisms are preferred in the industrial application of enzymes due to their technical and economic advantages. In the present research work, protease-producing microorganisms were isolated from marine soil samples and screened for protease-producing ability using skim milk agar. Among twenty-three isolates, nine isolates were protease positive indicated by the clear zone around the colony. In quantitative screening, the highest protease activity was observed with JML 15 (144.72 U/ml) and JML 8 (107.92 U/ml) and selected for further investigation. Based on the molecular characterization and phylogenetic studies, the selected isolates were identified as Penicillium lagena JML 8 (PP987316.1) and Penicillium oxalicum JML 15 (PQ160092.1). The results showed that JML 15 and JML 8 had great potential to be used for the production of protease enzymes and upscale for industrial production.