Sustainable Agricultural Practices among Rural Youth in Kenya: A Study of Attitudes and Behaviours

This literature-based paper examines the attitudes and behaviors of rural youth in Kenya towards sustainable agricultural practices. Given the critical role of agriculture in Kenya’s economy and the significance of the youth demographic, understanding these attitudes and behaviours is of paramount importance. By analysing existing research, this paper identifies the key factors influencing the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices among rural youth in Kenya and highlight the potential barriers and enablers that can facilitate their engagement in sustainable farming methods.

Structural Elements of Pashto Radio Drama

Drama is, after all, an ancient art form that extends back to the earliest centuries of human history. There has been some discussion regarding the antiquity of the drama’s origin. There are distinct forms for this genre, including stage, radio, television, one-act, and interactive dramas. In this case, the radio drama is the one that is broadcast, and each character and actor presents a scene, which is recorded in the studio and then broadcast for the audience to hear. It represents events that can only be conveyed audibly. In the structural elements, the narrative and design serve as the drama’s foundation, while the story and incident serve as the drama’s building blocks. It has both primary and secondary characters, without which the drama could not exist, as they give the plot motion. It is a dialogue that leads to additional dialogue between the actors. Sound effect creates sound effects and results, is a picture of time and location that relates to both, and is a crucial element of drama. It also features effective music and music, which play a significant role in comedy and tragedy-themed dramas and multiply the flavour and colour. Actors and actresses are responsible for ensuring that, with Hamdi’s assistance, the narrative progresses and ends with a message that inspires positive behavioural change and elicits strong emotions.

Royal Jelly (Apis mellifera) As an Antimicrobial Activity Inhibition

Royal jelly (RJ) has lots of compounds such as protein, vitamins, and a variety of bioactive compounds (10-hydroxy-2-decanoic or 10-HDA acids). 10-HDA is a lipid fraction component in RJ content with antibacterial and immunomodulatory activity. RJ proteins that have antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-tumor, antidiabetic, and antihypertensive properties. The authors continue their research about the effect of RJ on the inhibitory strength of the given antibacterial activity. L. monocytogenes, S. aureus, and E. coli were among the microbes studied in this research. This study used an experimental method with a complete randomized design (CRD) of 5 treatments and 4 replications, if the treatment showed a noticeable effect (P<0.05) then Duncan’s multiple distance test was continued. According to the findings of this study, the royal jelly variations given had a significant inhibitory effect on antibacterial activity. The inhibitory ability of L. monocytogenes proved that the second treatment had a higher inhibitory power of 30.94±25.786b, in S. aureus, the second treatment gave a moderate inhibitory power of 9.013±1.841a, and in E. coli, the second treatment gave a weak inhibitory power of 3.24±3.748a. The conclusion of studies showed royal jelly with dilution variety could be antimicrobial agent and to be strongest inhibitor in L. monocytogenes and lowest in E. coli. The suggestion of studies needs management in the isolates of bacteria available and should be estimated before we do the research about antimicrobial activity inhibitors.

The Determination of Antimicrobial Activity of Anti–Inflammatory Herbal Collection

This article discusses the determination of antimicrobial activity of anti–inflammatory herbal collection. At present in connection with a considerable growth of cold and inflammatory diseases creation of biologically effective preparations is one of the most actual problems. With this in mind, we determined the antimicrobial activity of the composition of anti–inflammatory herbal collection.

The Analysis of the Assortment of Nootropic Drugs Registered in The Republic of Uzbekistan

This article utilized data from the state registers of registered medications, medical supplies, and medical apparatus in No. 22 of 2018, No. 23 of 2019, No. 24 of 2020, No. 25 of 2021, and No. 26 of 2022 in the Republic of Uzbekistan. On the basis of the received data, a variety of analyses of nootropic medicines registered in the Republic of Uzbekistan were performed.

The Influence of Critical Success Factors of Innovative Insurance Product Development Concept Test towards Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study of Millennials and Generation Z as Target Market in Indonesia

The insurance industry faces numerous challenges, including intensifying competition, shifting customer expectations, and disruptive technological advancements. To navigate these challenges successfully, insurance companies must embrace innovation in product development. This approach enables them to meet the evolving needs of customers, adapt to market changes, and deliver greater value to their clientele. In Indonesia specifically, insurance companies face the considerable challenge of low insurance penetration, which has remained stagnant over the past five years from 2017 to 2021 (AAJI, 2022). Furthermore, insurance literacy and inclusion levels are alarmingly low, standing at only 19.40% and 13.15%, respectively, significantly below the Indonesian averages of 38.03% and 76.19% (OJK, 2019). Considering these challenges, PT Delta Echo Lima Insurance (placebo name and hereinafter named “DELI”) aims to address these issues by developing innovative, customer-centric insurance products and aspires to launch a ground-breaking insurance concept in Indonesia targeting Millennials and Generation Z. This research focuses on analyzing the characteristics of the target market and examining the correlation between critical success factors as key dimensions of the concept test for innovative insurance products and their influence on perceived innovation, perceived value, perceived price, and purchase intention. Additionally, an overall relationship model is established to provide a comprehensive understanding of the interconnections between these variables. To gather data, a quantitative approach was employed, utilizing questionnaires as the primary research instrument. The aim was to collect responses from two distinct groups of participants: Millennials and Generation Z. The collected data was then processed using the SmartPLS 3.0 software application, enabling the application of Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS SEM) analysis to derive insights and draw conclusions. This research provides valuable insights into the influence of critical success factors of innovative insurance product development concept tests on various aspects, including perceived innovation, perceived value, perceived price, and purchase intention among Millennials and Generation Z. The findings shed light on the unique characteristics of these target markets and highlight the significance of perceived value in driving customers’ purchase intentions. By understanding these dynamics, insurance companies like PT DELI can better tailor their product development strategies to effectively cater to the needs and preferences of Millennials and Generation Z while addressing the challenges and opportunities within the Indonesian insurance industry.

Knowledge Management Implementation for Human Capital with 7S McKinsey’s Framework in PT. Bumitama Gunajaya Agro

Indonesia’s palm oil industry attracts international attention. Rapid development that changed the global competition of vegetable oil has several relevant social, economic, and environmental issues. The Human Capital Management division is one of the important actors in improving employee work performance, especially on the internal part of PT BGA, the development of human capital that has some knowledge management must be absolutely conducted by a company to support a competitive company in entering the globalization era. Nowadays, current issues, the employee gap, affects the company’s performance, and to deal with uncertain situations, the company’s strategy, especially the human capital division, needs to maximize not only financial and operational strength but also valuable knowledge. This research is qualitative through intense interviews and observed through spreading the question to the respondent with 7S McKinsey. Interviews are used as a data collection technique to find the problem that must be studied and also if researchers want to know things from respondents in more depth. The author is both analyses obtained through Primary Data (In-depth Interviews) and Secondary Data (Internal records, desk research, and company documents). Based on business issue exploration in chapter two of this research, there are issues business solutions can be improved as alternative solutions, it could be further developed into a more specific initiative base on McKinsey 7S element in order to optimize organization performance. Improve Knowledge Management System in Acquisition of Knowledge, Dissemination of Knowledge, Knowledge Store, and Application of Knowledge. In conclusion, Human capital is a very important part of companies, and for that, companies need good strategy and planning. One of the tools is using knowledge management which functions to collect, store, and share employee knowledge and experience to increase collective employee knowledge, increase productivity, and preserve critical information.

The Influence of Financial Literacy, Risk Tolerance, and Demographic Factors on Investment Decision among Generation Z and Millennial in Greater Jakarta and Greater Bandung

Financial services and products are getting more complex and difficult to comprehend for many consumers. Consumers with limited financial literacy may struggle to make wise decisions about their financial (investment) decisions. Financial literacy capital market in Indonesia still in lowest level. In addition, low financial literacy will increase the number of illegal investments. Throughout 2022, the Indonesian police have handled 28 illegal investment cases with a total loss of 31.4 trillion to the community. The victim also came from varied backgrounds, men and women, young and old, from those who did not go to school until undergraduates, from low-income to high. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between financial literacy, risk tolerance, and demographic factors toward investment decisions among Generation Z and millennials in Greater Jakarta and Greater Bandung. Variable financial literacy used in this study includes financial knowledge, behavior, and attitude. An online questionnaire was conducted and there were 216 respondents who participated in this research. A quantitative approach was used to analyze the data collected using multiple linear regression through SPSS. The study found that financial knowledge, financial behavior, financial attitude, age, and occupation have a significant effect on investment decisions. Meanwhile, risk tolerance, gender, and income do not have a significant effect on investment decision.

Development of Ecosystem-Based Material Modules Discovery Learning with Media QR Scanner HP to Increase Problem Solving Skill (Class X Mipa 5 SMA Batik 1 Surakarta)

This study aims to: 1) determine the characteristics of discovery learning- based modules with HP QR scanner media to improve students’ problem-solving skills; 2) find out the feasibility of discovery learning-based modules with HP QR scanner media to improve students’ problem-solving skills; 3) knowing the effectiveness of discovery learning-based modules with HP QR scanner media to improve students’ problem-solving skills. This science learning tool development research uses the ADDIE procedure which consists of five stages, namely: 1) analysis, 2) design, 3) develop, 4) implementation, and 5) evaluation. The data analysis research instruments used were Aiken’s descriptive analysis and validity (score 0.87 with high validity category) for preliminary and feasibility studies and inferential analysis using independent t-test (score 0.000) to determine the effectiveness of development products on students’ problem-solving abilities. The study was conducted at SMA Batik 1 Surakarta with a sample of 32 grade X students. The conclusions of this study are: 1) the discovery learning-based module with HP QR scanner media developed has five main characteristics, namely: a) improving problem solving skills; b) concrete problem-based; c) student centered; d) discovery learning; and e) focusing on essential materials; 2) the discovery learning-based module with the developed HP QR scanner media was declared eligible (valid) for use in SMA/MA based on limited trial results and a validity score of 0.945 with a high validity category; 3) discovery learning-based modules with HP QR scanner media developed effectively improve students’ problem- solving abilities, with an experimental class n-gain score of 0.504 (upper medium) and control class 0.360 (lower medium).

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Marketers Training Project: Case Study of Bank Capital Power, Bandung Branch

The main role of a bank in economy of a country is becoming financial intermediary to collect money from depositories consisted of CASA & Deposit then give loans to debtors. Thus, CASA is essential for the banking sector to be channeled as loans. Bank Capital Power (not the actual name), experienced a decrease in CASA in 2021 due to the CASA was leaked to other banks for investment purpose. The management of BCP implemented Investment Training Project in Bandung Branch to train marketers in order to enhance the marketers’ capabilities. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the implementation of the project and advise Bank Capital Power on the project continuation. The data is a primary data collected from Bank Capital Power period October 2021 until December 2022. This study employed three methods to evaluate the Project namely CBA

(Cost-Benefit Analysis) and Difference Tests of Profit Generated using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U Test to see if the training profit result is statistically different. Result for the Cost-Benefit Ratio is 2.18597, indicating that the project generated positive result. In addition, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann Whitney Test result show that the project produced significant statistically different profit compared to the previous period.