Optimization of Multicultural Islamic Education in Building Student Character

This study aims to reveal Multicultural Islamic Education in building student character in terms of personal character, human character and national character which is systemized in a boarding school education for four years.

The research used qualitative-phenomenological approach at the Al-Hikam Student Islamic Boarding School, Malang Indonesia. Data collection by using in-depth interviews, observations and documents involving all students, several ustadz councils and caregivers which is taken purposively.

The results of this study indicate that after taking boarding school education, students have personal characteristics of independence, humility, honesty and love of knowledge. Human characters such as mutual cooperation, respect for the opinions of others, deliberation and love. National characters such as tolerance, equality, justice and non-violence.

Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Self Administration of Insulin Injections

Introduction: Diabetes mellitus usually called  diabetes sugar condition that occurs  when the ones body does not produce insulin or body is enable to use normal amount insulin properly.

Objectives: The objectives of the study where on asses the knowledge and practice regarding the diabetes patient.

Design: a descriptive survey approach to assess the knowledge regarding self administration of insulin among the diabetes mellitus patient.

Tool: using 15 items questionnaire was in known portability conversing sampling technique the sample setting is selected area of kansarakui.

Sample Size: the sample size was 40.

Result: The study identify the 17 patient (42.55) having good, 16(40%) have average, and (17.5) poor knowledge administration of insulin among diabetes patient.

Long–Term Results of Pylorus–Preserving Duodenoplasty in the Surgical Treatment of Perforated Duodenal Ulcers

The authors analyzed the results of surgical treatment of 479 patients with pyloroduodenal ulcer (PDU). Of these, 381 (79.5%) made up the main group (who underwent excision of the PDU with pylorus–preserving duodenoplasty), and 98 (20.5%) – the comparison group, i.e. control (underwent excision of PDU with pylorus–destroying pyloroduodenoplasty). In the long term after the operations performed, 310 patients were studied after excision of the PDU with pylorus–sparing PD and 82 after PDP with destruction of the integrity of the pylorus sphincter. As a result of optimization of surgical tactics and widespread use of techniques and techniques for excision of PDU with pylorus–sparing DP, excellent and good results in the main group were found in 87.7% of patients (in the control group – 64.4%). Satisfactory results in 12 (3.9%) and 9 (11.0%) patients, respectively. At the same time, unsatisfactory results decreased by 7.1% (in the control group – in 11.0%, in the study group – in 3.9%). Thus, the authors, through the widespread use of techniques and techniques for excision of PDU with pylorus–sparing PD with optimization of surgical tactics, have improved the long–term results of surgical treatment in this pathology.

The Translation of the Indonesian Noun Phrases into English

The title of this research is the translation of the Indonesian noun phrases (NPs) into English. NPs are groups of words of which heads are nouns. Head nouns can be expanded to the right or to the left in a phrase. The discussion in this research was limited to the NPs with expansion to the right. Extending a head noun to the right in Indonesian can be done by adding modifiers with or without a determiner. The purpose of this study is to describe the types of modifiers of the Indonesian NPs with expansion to the right and their translation into English. This research is categorized as a descriptive qualitative study, the data were taken from the translations of the folk tales by the fourth-semester students of The English Department Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University, with the application of observation methods and documentation techniques. The data were then analyzed by applying the theory of translation proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet. The results showed that the types of Indonesian NPs have modifier elements in the form of nouns or noun phrases, adjectives or adjective phrases, verbs or verb phrases, prepositional phrases, clauses, and appositives. The Indonesian NPs with right expansion were translated into the English NPs with the right and left expansions.

The Effects of Corporate Governance, Intellectual Capital and Company Size on Financial Performance in Manufacturing Companies Lister on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Period of 2017-2021 in the Consumer Goods Industry Sector

This study aims to determine the relationship between corporate governance, intellectual capital, and company size with the financial performance of manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2017–2021. The objective of this study, which falls under the genre of causal investigation, is to undertake research to identify the cause of one or more issues. This research sample approach employed purposeful sampling, which led to the collection of 70 firms. The analysis method used in this study is panel data regression with the E views program. The study’s findings suggest that the board of commissioners has a mixed impact on financial success. Financial performance is partially unaffected by the audit committee. Financial performance is partially influenced favorably by intellectual capital and firm size.

Analysis of Inventory Management in Order to Reduce Overstock (Case Study of TVF Footwear)

TVF Footwear is a sandal and shoe brand originally from Bandung. It was founded in 2010 because, at that time, local industries were emerging, and they were motivated to make products that focus on the footwear category. TVF Footwear has an issue related to overstock inventory. The purpose of this research is to reduce overstock and improve inventory management in TVF Footwear. The root cause analysis is used Current Reality Tree (CRT) as a tool to find the root cause of overstock issue that faced by TVF Footwear. The result from root cause analysis are a lack of forecasting and deficient inventory management. The proposed solution is to prepare TVF footwear to apply the appropriate forecasting demand method for the next period and help the company to plan its inventory management by calculating the EOQ, ROP, and Safety stock. The result of the forecasting demand with the smallest forecasting error shows that the method chosen for Rainier is double exponential smoothing. The forecasting method that is suitable for Reiwal is trend analysis and the forecasting method that has the smallest error for Semeru is single exponential smoothing. The result for the EOQ method has a lower cost than the existing method. The total cost from the existing method is Rp 4.082.500.000 while the total cost using the EOQ method amounts to Rp 3.678.495.281. If the company can implement the EOQ method, the potential cost saving is Rp 404.004.718.

Proposed Improvement Plan for Quality Management in Crafting Industry (Case Study of PT Global Kriya Nusantara)

Crafting industry is one of the creative economy subsectors under the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia. PT Global Kriya Nusantara or later will be mentioned as Kriya Nusantara is one of the craft industry actors in West Java, specifically in Bandung City. Established in 1995, Kriya Nusantara exported craft goods to several countries. In order to fulfil its demand, Kriya Nusantara needs a great strategy, especially for its quality management. In this case, the proposed system to be improved is the quality management of Kriya Nusantara due to the occurrence of rejected products in one of its project production processes. One of the projects that will be analysed in this research is Ramadhan Box 2022 which was ordered by Al-Jazeera Perfumes – Qatar. The problem is, that there are some defective finished goods that later will be rejected and needs to be repaired or reworked.

The Six Sigma method has been utilised in this research as a primary tool. The Six Sigma in this research contains the DMAIC framework that will be useful to define the main issue, measure the capability of the process, analyse the business situation, and propose the improvement plans along with the control plans for the production process of Kriya Nusantara. According to this research, there are six defect types that occurred in this production process, and the defect type that has the greatest RPN value is the Minor Paint Defect with a 320 RPN value and has critical risk level. The causes of each defect type have been analysed using FMEA analysis and there are four causes which are human error, miscommunications, unskilled labour, and defective raw materials. The FMEA analysis also has been utilised to propose the business solution alternatives in this research. There are three proposed business solutions for the causes which are progress monitoring for the human error and miscommunication issues, labour training for the unskilled labour, and supplier’s product evaluation for the defective raw materials. Those improvements will reduce the defect of the products so that the quality of the products of Kriya Nusantara will be enhanced.

Knowledge on Birth Preparedness among Primigravida Women Attending Antenatal Clinics

Introduction: Birth preparedness is that the process of designing for the birth. Aim this study aimed to assess the birth preparedness knowledge, attitude and practice of primigravida women.

Design: A descriptive survey approach adopted to assess the knowledge regarding birth preparedness among primigravida women.

Tool: Using 20 items questionnaire was conducted in non probability convenience sampling technique. The Sample setting is chosen hospital in Visnagar. Sample

Size: The sample size was 40.

Result: the study identified that the 8(20% ) women having good, 27(67.5%) women have average and also the 5(12.5%) women have poor knowledge and birth preparedness among primigravida. Thus study result shows the pre test average is 11.95 and variance is 2.991.

Knowledge and Perception on Menopause

Introduction: Menopause it’s one type of natural physiological process in the women’s life. The quality of life on menopausal status in the women it’s varies significant Studies revealed that women may reduce and avoid the emotional and physiological symptoms of menopause by encourage and educating themselves when approaching this stage of women life cycle.

Design: In this study cross sectional survey was conducted.

Setting: The sample setting is in kansa village.

Sample size: The sample sizes were40.

Tool: In the study 20 questionnaires items was conducted in randomly sample technique.

Result: The study identified that the 15(37.5%) women have good, 19(47.5%) women have average and the 6(15%) women have poor knowledge and perception score. This study resultshows that the pre test means value is 11.7 and standard deviation is 5.13.

Ecolinguistics Study on Balinese Lexicons of Memande at Celuk Village Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia

The study on Balinese lexicons related to Memande (silver and gold smith) at Celuk Village in Gianyar Bali concerned with the types of lexicons use in:  the materials, tools, products, and activities of the silver and goldsmiths. The study is field research in which the data were gathered in the field by applying in-depth interviews and observation with the silver and gold smiths. The theories of eco-linguistics and sociolinguistics were applied to analyse the data. The findings showed that there were 21 lexicons of tools, 5 lexicons of material, 25 lexicons of products, and 19 lexicons of activities.