The Traumatic Implications of Sexual Assault on the Academic Performances of Female Students: A Study of Tertiary Institutions in Anambra State

This research seeks to investigate the traumatic implications of sexual assault of female students of selected tertiary institutions in Anambra State on their academic performance. The specific objectives were to basically assess the relationship between sexual assault and non-attendance to lectures   and the relationship between sexual assault and academic failure. The research was carried out using a descriptive survey design. The population of the study was one thousand three hundred and seventy (896) female students of three selected tertiary institutions under study. Data was collected from primary source using a well structured questionnaire. Designed instrument was validated through content validity using five experts from both the industry and academia. Data were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient at 0.05 probability level of significance aided by computer through the application of statistical packaging for social sciences (SPSS version 23). Findings indicated that: there was a significant relationship between sexual assault(r = 0.104, p = 0.000, p-value < 0.05) and non-attendance to lectures   and the relationship between sexual assault (r = 0.014; p=0.001; p-value < .05) and academic failure. It is recommended that school management should establish counseling units across all tertiary institutions with professional counselors employed to counsel victims as well as encouraging them to move on with their usual academic life.