The Refusal Catcalling Strategy by Women in Makassar: Semiotics Analysis

The research analyzed the refusal catcalling strategy by women in Makassar. Furthermore, with the catcalling topic still being addressed by Makassar residents, this research delves deeper into the link between signs and the refusal strategy of catcalling on women in Makassar and those who regard it as harassing conduct. The research aims to explore strategies used by females in dealing with the refusal sign of catcalling in Makassar. In addition, the research examines  Ferdinand Saussure’s theory in analyzing sign such as signifier and signified theory in arranging refusal strategy of catcalling. The results of the research is the women must have strategies to overcome the refusal of catcalling such as ignoring to the perpetrator, fighting to the perpetrator, reporting to the police, leave, places prone to catcalling, pretending to call family, and reprimanding with sound loudly.