The Influence of Shahnameh on Afghanistan Public Culture

Shahnameh is one of the most significant literary texts of Persian speakers. The people of Afghanistan have an inseparable and remarkable bond with the Shahnameh. For this reason, the Shahnameh has had the greatest impact on the culture of the people of Afghanistan, the effects of which can be clearly seen in the names, places, buildings, proverbs, anecdotes and the ritual of reading the Shahnameh of the people of this country. This research has been done in order to introduce a part of the native culture of the Persian language and to measure the effectiveness and influence of the Shahnameh among Afghans and with the aim of preserving and recording a part of the cultural heritage of Afghanistan; At a time when the culture of modernity is conquering and dominating national cultures and pushing the world towards a global village. The findings of the research indicate the existence of the Shahnameh among the people of Afghanistan. Its most prominent appearance can be seen in the Shahnameh reading circles of Herat, Balkh, Takhar, Badakhshan and Panjshir. The beliefs of the people of Afghanistan about the different regions of this country and their connection with the characters of the Shahnameh, especially Rustam, are a sign of the deep influence of the Shahnameh among the people of this country. Also, proverbs and names taken from the Shahnameh are widely used and prosperous among the people of Afghanistan.