
Knowledge and Perception on Menopause

Introduction: Menopause it’s one type of natural physiological process in the women’s life. The quality of life on menopausal status in the women it’s varies significant Studies revealed that women may reduce and avoid the emotional and physiological symptoms of menopause by encourage and educating themselves when approaching this stage of women life cycle.

Design: In this study cross sectional survey was conducted.

Setting: The sample setting is in kansa village.

Sample size: The sample sizes were40.

Tool: In the study 20 questionnaires items was conducted in randomly sample technique.

Result: The study identified that the 15(37.5%) women have good, 19(47.5%) women have average and the 6(15%) women have poor knowledge and perception score. This study resultshows that the pre test means value is 11.7 and standard deviation is 5.13.