
Students’ Grammatical Errors in Writing Recount Text by the Tenth Grade of SMA Immanuel Bandar Lampung

It is often found out that many students commonly make grammar mistakes in their learning especially in writing. This study aimed to find the types of errors made by grade X students of SMA Immanuel Bandar Lampung in writing Recount Text.  Theoretically, this research was conducted to identify, classify and show the proportion of each type of errors made by students. The type of research used was qualitative research with descriptive methods. The research subjects were 25 students of SMA Immanuel Bandar Lampung who were in the first semester of grade X. The instrument used was documentation of students’ writings about recount text. All grammatical errors that appeared in student writings were analyzed using the Surface Strategy Taxonomy introduced by Dulay The findings showed that the total error was 171 errors. Most errors were omission (70 errors/41%), second place was substitution error (69 errors/40%), third place was addition error (20 errors/12%), and the last was permutation error (12 errors/7%). Based on these results, it was summed up that students still experienced great difficulties in learning the grammar structure in the writing process.

Students’ Perception on The Use of Picture Series in Writing Procedure Text

The objective of this study is to investigate the students’ perception on the use of picture series as a learning media in teaching writing of procedure text.  This qualitative design was conducted by using a purposive sampling technique to collect the data. This research involved a class which consisted of 30 students of the tenth grade of a senior high school, Tulang Bawang Barat, Indonesia.  The research data were collected by using a close ended questionnaire which measured using five-range Likert scale and analyzed descriptively. The result from this study revealed almost all of the students have positive perceptions when the teacher taught them by using the picture series. The students’ positive response reached about 80.80%, compared to the negative response only 2.20% of whole items in the questionnaire, and the rest about 17.00% belonged to the neutral. It is suggested that the using of picture series as a learning media in writing is more interesting and makes them feel easier. The use of pictures can help their difficulty in writing procedure text and encourage their motivation in learning English. Thus, the finding suggests that the English teachers should use this media in teaching writing a procedure paragraph. It is suggested also for the further researcher to explore more the benefits, challenges, and deeper impacts of this media on writing instruction.

A Guided Writing Technique based on Project-Based Learning to Improve Students’ Descriptive Text Writing

This study aims to find out whether the Guided Writing technique based on Project-based Learning could improve the students’ descriptive text writing. The research was a quantitative research. The design was one-group pretest-posttest design where there was only one group as the experimental class. The study was done in SMPN 1 Dente Teladas Grade VII, consisting of 32 students. There was a total of six meetings, which were 1 meeting for pretest, 4 meetings for the treatment, and 1 meeting for the posttest. The data was collected from a writing test and analyzed using SPSS v.25. The result shows that the Guided Writing technique based on Project-based learning could improve the students’ descriptive text writing. In conclusion, the use of Guided Writing technique is maximized when it is used based on Project-based learning, and applying the Guided Writing technique based on Project-based Learning is able to cover the weakness that the Guided Writing technique has.