
The Influence of Work and Communication Facilities on Employee Performance at The Education Department of Labuhan Batu with Motivation as an Intervening Variable

Employee performance is an indicator of the successful operation of government institutions in achieving their goals. The emergence of achievement is influenced by several driving factors, both from outside the individual and from within the individual. Employee performance greatly determines the progress of a government agency. The performance of each employee can be measured by looking at the quantity and quality of work that has been done. Performance is a very important thing in an organization’s efforts to achieve goals. This study aims to determine whether work and communication facilities affect employee performance through motivation as an intervening variable at the Labuhanbatu District Education Office. The study was conducted on 61 employees using a saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used was primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data obtained through documentation studies. The data analysis technique used quantitative data which was processed using the SPSS version 25 program, namely the t test, Sobel test and path analysis. The results obtained in this study show 1) there is a significant effect between work facilities on motivation, 2) there is a significant effect between communication variables on motivation, 3) there is a significant effect between work facilities variables on performance, 4) there is a significant effect between communication variables on performance, 5) there is a significant influence between motivational variables on performance, 6) motivational variables can affect work facilities variables on performance, 7) motivational variables can affect communication variables on performance.