
Post Traumatic Optic Nerve Decompression in Patients with No Light Perception

Objective: To determine if optic nerve decompression has any efficacy in patients with traumatic optic nerve (TON) damage specifically those patients whose optic nerves have been severely damaged and as a result, they suffer no light perception (NLP).

Material & Methods: A retrospective study for group of 54 patients was observed for a period of between 3 to 12 months from 2020 to January 2021.

Results: 35 patients still had no light perception at end of the study. By the time others were discharged some had gained a level or two of visual acuity but no cases of perfect vision restored were reported.

Conclusion: The methods were relatively useful in reducing discomfort in patients such as significant reduction in swelling but they were not in any way completely responsible for the total recovery of the patients.