
Key Factors Influencing the Adoption of Building Information Modeling at PT. Penta Rekayasa

This study aims to uncover key factors influencing adoption process of BIM technology in an engineering consultant firm, Penta Rekayasa. The research employs mixed-methods approach combining quantitative analysis and qualitative input from industry experts and user judgement. A comprehensive of reviewing existing literature used to design a conceptual framework. A modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) chosen as a main landing theory to design conceptual framework. Additionally, seven main constructs identified to influence usage behavior along with seven hypotheses proposed: Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), Social Influence (SI), Organizational Support (OS), Resistance to Change (RC), Facilitating Condition (FC) and Behavioral Intention (BI). Primary data is collected using questionnaire and semi-structure interview, further analysis is carried out utilizing SmartPLS software’s Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) and thematic analysis for interview analysis. The findings demonstrate that four major constructs are regarded as influencing factors in the Penta BIM adoption process: Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), Resistance to Change (RC), and Behavioral Intention (BI). Other three are neither supported as the path coefficient, p-values and t-values threshold is exceed. The result of thematic analysis using Braun & Clarke’s six-phase framework show three main problems arises that negatively influence the adoption process: Social influence and organizational support – unsupportive figure; Resistance to change – Penta’s employee resist to change; and facilitating condition – socialization and training importance. Based on user judgement, theories or practical article, and expert opinion; business solutions are proposed: Develop training and development system that can be used for BIM and future training; budgeting external education include seminar or bootcamp; Held internal meeting with stakeholders to increase the employee engagement and aligned goals with high management profile figure. For a long-term goal, Penta may also consider to develop BIM division in order to increase the speed of project completion. Lastly, the actionable schedule of implementation plan is proposed based on internal recommendation, project design life cycle, and working schedule to ensure the effectiveness of the program.