
Performance Improvement Through Strengthening Spiritual Capital with Trauma Healing Workshops

The purpose of this research is to find a method of strengthening spiritual capital within Social Service employees in border districts, in order to improve their performance. It was found that inner healing due to bitter experiences in the past can be a way of building spiritual capital. As an employee of the Social Service who provides a lot of assistance to victims of violence, competence in dealing with trauma healing is an important thing that can help carry out their duties. In fact, this trauma healing workshop does not only restore the victims who are assisted, but also builds the character of the employees themselves. In this case, the trauma healing workshop is a means of increasing the potential of spiritual capital because it has a positive impact on strengthening performance. The strengthening of this performance is evident from the effectiveness of the assistance both in terms of the timing of the assistance and the results of the assistance to the victims. This research method is a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. Data obtained from the results of observations, interviews, and literature studies. The time spent on this research was about a year, and interviews were not only conducted with employees but also leaders and the victims of violence they assisted. Thus, this trauma healing workshop can be said as a means of strengthening spiritual capital because it has a positive impact on improving performance. In general, spiritual capital is associated with spiritual values ​​that are instilled and have a positive impact on the organization. However, in this paper it is found that trauma healing workshops can also be a means of building character for employees which ultimately becomes a spiritual capital that strengthens employee performance.