
A Symbol of Tolerance and Friendship in Jamiy’s Work “Bahoriston”

In this paper analyzes the problem of tolerance and ethics on the basis of the work “Bahoriston”. The importance of Jami and his scientific heritage today has been explored. Didactic works and Bahoriston were studied comparatively. The content of the given texts in the work was analyzed. In This article gives opinions about teachers and sages. Excerpts from some Islamic sources were quoted. Ways of using the scientific heritage of thinkers in furthering the symbol of tolerance and pure spiritual values were shown. The enlightenment-mystical views in the works of the thinker were formed as a whole. The role and place of Jami’s work in the Islamic world was studied. An attempt was made to create a spiritual connection between the religious and mystical views in the work, a spiritual connection, and a separate scientific process. The important stages and necessity of the science of tolerance and ethics in today’s society have been analyzed. Opinions were given on the importance, significance and relevance of spiritual growth in society. The text of the article states that the need for a religious worldview as an important potential of society should be widely propagated through the enlightenment heritage of sages and moral views.