
Implementation of Strategic Management in Building Student Character in Education Institutions in Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze strategic management in realizing student character how student character is manifested and what are the obstacles and solutions in realizing student character. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with the main data source being observation and interviews with informants who have been selected in this research. The informants in this research were the school principal, teachers, school committee, and students’ parents. The analysis technique in this research uses the Miles and Huberman analysis model. The results of the research show that strategy management realizes student characteristics, namely, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. Students’ character can be categorized as good, such as good manners, independence, self-confidence, discipline, maintaining cleanliness, dressing neatly, being obedient, and having respect for other people. The challenge in developing student character is including the social environment outside the madrasah. Therefore, it is necessary to have the maximum involvement of parents in preventing deviant behavior.

Evaluation of Child Friendly School in Building Student Character: A Literature Review

The character crisis is an issue of many countries. For many children, the school is an uncaring environment, that can cause a negative impact in mental health, so we can see the output of school residents is not in a good character. In fact, schools have an important role in the psychosocial development of children. Seeing this fact, UNICEF developed a child-friendly school program to solve the problem. Its also necessary to evaluate the child friendly school programme, then it will be discussed about CIPP model too. The results of the review found that child-friendly schools can be optimal if principals, teachers and education staff, and school committees collaborate well in carrying out their roles in realizing the six principal components of child-friendly schools. Research on this topic is limited and this article is a literature review, so it is necessary to conduct further research using interview and questionnaire methods related to the role of child-friendly schools in building student character.