
Cultural Challenges of Widows and Widowers’ Coping Strategies in South-South Geo Political Zone, Nigeria

The study is on cultural challenges and widows and widowers’ coping strategies in South-South Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria. This research employed two research questions and two hypotheses to guide the study. The study employed survey research design. The study area were the six states of the South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. A total of 441 widows and widowers in Federal Universities in South-South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria based on information from the registrar, ASUU form the sample of the study. Two different instruments were employed for data collection. The” Widows and Widowers Coping Strategies for Family and cultural Challenges” (WWCSFCC) questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion Guide for Widows and Widowers (FGDEWW). Cronbach Alpha Coefficient was used to determine the reliability of the instruments. Bar chart, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. Independent t-test, simple were used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Bar chart, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. Independent t-test, were used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study unveiled that there is no significance difference in the cultural challenges facing widows and widowers in South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria and there is difference in the coping strategies that could be employed by widows and widowers in South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Among others it was recommended that the families, friends and the society should be sensitized to clearly identify the challenges widows and widowers experience and, in the process, come up with alternative support systems that would help widowed persons adjust to widowhood.

Integrating Strategies of Parental Care to Enhance Morality in the Youths in Secondary Schools Managed by the Catholic Diocese of Morogoro, Tanzania

This study examined the integration of strategies of parental care to enhance morality in the youths in secondary schools managed by the Catholic Diocese of Morogoro. This study guided by one research question applied Deontology theory. The study adopted a convergent research design under the mixed research approach. A stratified random and purposive sampling technique was used to obtain 2 Heads of Schools, 2 Parish Priests, 20 Teachers, 30 Students and 30 Parents. Qualitative reliability was established by using the member-checking technique. The study also ensured the validity and reliability of the data collection instrument by involving two research experts and the Cronbach Alpha technique. The study collected quantitative data by using questionnaires and qualitative information through semi-structured interviews and focused group discussions. The reliability of tools for quantitative data was established at Cronbach Alpha technique. The Hypothesis was tested through Simple Linear Regression. The study found parents have abandoned their children, for they are not responsible towards them, and inadequate moral teachings in secondary schools. Consequently, the youth lack guidance, protection, life support, and moral exemplars for emulation, thus they tend to adopt immoral behavior from various sources around them. A study concludes that the strategies of parental care will help in resolving immoral behavior, including lying, stealing, sexual abuse, violence, insults and irresponsibility that are currently facing the youths in schools and the society in general. The study recommended that the education stakeholders should employ adequate teachers to teach morals at all levels of education and to design an appropriate intervention that enhances morality in the youth. The study also insisted parents to be the role model of morality and being responsible to their children by caring, nurturing and supporting them for the enhancement of morality.

Strategies for Promoting and Maintaining Peace in Communities as Perceived by Guidance Counsellors

This study determines the Strategies for promoting and maintaining peace in communities as perceived by Guidance Counsellors in Anambra State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design method. One research question guided the study. The sample size for the study is 150 guidance counsellors selected through simple random sampling technique with replacement. Questionnaire on Counsellors perceived strategies for promoting and maintaining peace in communities is used for data collection (QOCPSFPAMPICS).  The reliability co-efficient value of the instrument of 0.80 is established through the use of Split half method of estimation. On the sport method of administration of the instrument on the respondents is used by the researchers for the study to ensure a hundred percent return of the questionnaire. Arithmetic weighted mean which criterion is 2.50 for any item considered as a factor while an item that is below this value is considered not being a factor is used for the data analysis. The findings of the study revealed that use of peace building committees, having equal representations in things of collective interests, working with schools towards reducing deviant behaviours among students, setting measures for preventing gang groups within communities, launching of peace campaigns, use of peace gatherings, setting clear and measurable objectives, preaching peace through Education, having fair and just policies, listening to the voices of people. The study also revealed that use of force and strength is not an acceptable strategy for promoting and maintaining peace within communities. Among other things, the researchers recommended that there will be formation of peace committee whose members should be made to tour into other counties to learn more about peace building. Also, Government should recognize the peace committee members as peace representatives and be paying them salaries for encouragement.