
Integrated Management System Based on Risk Process Implementation in Start-Up Company (Superspring) To Maximize the Cost Efficiency

Risk and opportunity always come like two sides of a coin. The greater the risk, the higher the possibility of return obtained, or even the possibility of failure if it is not anticipated from the start. So the risk must be managed so as to minimize the impact that will be experienced. This research aims to explore the implementation of risk management in start-up company cost efficiency. Start from the business processes identification, risk and opportunity identification, risk analysis, and risk treatment. The risk and opportunity for improvement will be converted into financial conversion or calculated by the financial impact (on value). And finally, the cost comparison of existing costs with the implementation of risk control and implementation of improvement opportunities will be carried out. Using the process approach ISO 9001, risk approach ISO 31000, and FMEA, the company is ideal to implement risk management to make it cost-efficient. Based on the calculation done from the core process (the sales process, the IT process, the technical process, the warehouse and logistic process, and the customer service process) analysis, is shown that all over the risk decrease is about 65.54% (from inherent risk to residual risk) and the cost efficiency is about 315%.