
Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Entrepreneurial Branding: Small and Medium Enterprises in Lembang, Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the impact of social media on entrepreneurial branding in the Lembang area, West Bandung, focusing on 10 (ten) business units that use social media platforms to build their brand image. In today’s digital era, social media plays an increasingly important role in marketing strategies, allowing entrepreneurs to increase consumer engagement and expand market reach. Through a quantitative approach, this study uses simple linear regression analysis to identify the relationship between the intensity of social media use and the strength of branding perceived by consumers. Data were collected through surveys filled out by business owners and consumers who engage with the brand on social media. The results show that the use of social media has a significant influence on entrepreneurial branding and contributes to strengthening entrepreneurial branding. Several recommendations are given to small and medium business actors in utilizing social media to strengthen their brand image.

Cancel Culture: Unveiling the Dark Side of Social Media for Brands – A Systematic Literature Review

The phenomenon and terminology of cancel culture are proliferating with the increasing use of social media in Indonesia. Through these platforms, the cancel culture movement is widespread and poses a significant threat to brands and products. However, research related to cancel culture in marketing is still limited. This research aims to describe the cancel culture phenomenon in marketing through a systematic literature review of 53 articles published from 2014 to 2024, with sources from ABDC and Scopus-indexed journals (Q1-Q4). The research identified relevant themes, methodologies, theories, variables, antecedents, consequences, and existing research gaps through this analysis. Based on these findings, the research proposes an integrative framework that describes the influence of cancel culture on brands, particularly the role of social media. The results also identify future research directions, including knowledge gaps in theory, methodology, and research context. The implications of this research are expected to contribute to developing marketing theory and practice related to cancel culture.

Optimizing Instagram Management for SMEs: A Case Study of Indonesian Batik SMEs

A multidisciplinary approach is employed to explore the effectiveness of social media marketing by collaborating with Instagram experts and analyzing qualitative data from SMEs A, SMEs B, and SMEs C. The primary objective is to measure the impact of Instagram usage on SMEs business performance, both non-financial and financial. Additionally, this research offers social media management strategy recommendations that can be directly implemented in social media management experiments by these SMESs to observe their real impact on business performance.

This research findings show significant variations in Instagram adoption among SMEs A, SMEs B, and SMES C. SMEs A and SMEs B require substantial improvements, while SMEs C shows better adoption but still needs enhancement. Increased Instagram presence, better content strategies, and maximum utilization of Instagram features can improve interaction and business performance.

This research provides insights for SMEs to develop effective digital marketing strategies through Instagram. It also offers practical suggestions for academics for long-term research and exploration of other social media platforms like TikTok to provide more comprehensive insights. It is hoped that this study will assist SMESs and academics in developing effective and applicable digital marketing strategies.

Analyzing the Influence of Viral Marketing on Increasing Purchase Intention of High-End Cosmetic Products

This study investigates the influence of viral marketing on the purchase intention of high-end cosmetic products, emphasizing the mediating role of attitude on behavior. The rapid development of the internet and social media has significantly changed marketing strategies, with viral marketing currently being executed by many cosmetic brands. Viral marketing utilizes information, entertainment, irritation and source credibility to engage consumers and drive purchase decisions. However, preliminary research suggests a gap between theoretical benefits and practical outcomes, highlighting the skepticism of consumers of high end cosmetic products towards viral marketing. This study aims to bridge this gap by identifying the dimensions of viral marketing that have the most influence on purchase intention and attitude towards behavior. Despite its potential, not all viral marketing efforts are successful in driving purchase intention, so a deeper understanding of the factors at play is needed. This study employs a quantitative approach, using structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze data collected from 100 women who have purchased high-end cosmetic products in the past six months. Findings reveal that source credibility is the most significant variable in viral marketing that influencing both purchase intention and attitude towards behavior on high end cosmetics product, Source credibility enhances trust and perceived value, leading to a stronger positive attitude towards the product and higher purchase intentions.

The Role of Social Media in Improving the Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems and the Organizational Performance of Banking Companies in North Sumatra Province

The main objective of the study is to measure the influence of social media (innovation and knowledge sharing) on the effectiveness of accounting information system, and the effectiveness of accounting information system on organizational performance on banking companies in North Sumatra. Simple random sampling method used and 178 respondents included in this study. SPSS and SmartPLS are used for data analysis for descriptive statistical analysis tests and SEM-PLS analysis. All 3 hypotheses were accepted. Then, the result of this study provide empirical evidence to support the resource based view theory on the variables innovation, knowledge sharing, effectiveness of accounting information system, and organizational performance. All measurement items in the questionnaires have been valid and reliable. The strongest influence is found in the innovation variable. Meanwhile, the weakest influence is found in the knowledge sharing variable. The findings of this study can contribute to the banking and goverment. This study provides empiricial data that can be used as consideration and reference in making future police and strategies. Especially related to innovation, knowledge sahring, effectiveness of accounting information system in improving organizational performance that is increasingly effective in the future.

Proposed Content Marketing Strategy Improvement of Leap-Telkom Digital to Increase Brand Awareness

With the movement of IndiHome as the previous main product of Telkom Indonesia to Telkomsel, Telkom Indonesia is currently struggling with enhancing their digital products performance. Telkom implements its transformation from telecommunication to digital telecommunication state-owned enterprise. With that, Telkom wants to focus on enhancing its digital products. However, in its implementation, Leap faces the effort of increasing its brand awareness. Based on the author’s findings from initial survey, the potential target customers are still not familiar with Leap nor Telkom’s digital products. Moreover, this problem is also supported by the previous performance of Leap’s website from its total users and engagement. The spread of Telkom’s digital products knowledge to internal Telkom employees is also not distributed equally. With this, the author conducts research to improve Leap-Telkom Digital in hopes of improving its brand awareness. The research is using Gap analysis, Brand Building Blocks, Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) pyramid, and internal interview to find the deeper problem of what’s causing low brand awareness of Leap. And then, using theory of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC), as well as weighting and rating method, the author proposed a Content Marketing strategy to help Leap improving their website traffic and impression performance. With the result of both IMC and weighting rating method, the author proposed content marketing implementation plan for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media, and Email Marketing.

Exploring WhatsApp as Teaching and Learning Activities during Covid-19/New Normal era: A Semiotic Technology Analysis

In the landscape of modern education, the integration of technology, particularly within language learning, has gained substantial scholarly attention. Among digital platforms, WhatsApp has undergone a notable transformation, evolving from a basic messaging application to a versatile social hub. Its role expanded significantly during the Covid-19 pandemic, becoming a pivotal tool for online teaching and learning activities, prevalent not only in higher education but also across secondary levels. While existing studies have predominantly focused on user interaction within WhatsApp, limited attention has been directed toward the technical aspects or the application’s usage in the teaching and learning process. This research aims to comprehensively explore WhatsApp’s potential as a facilitator for English language studies, employing a semiotic multimodal analysis approach guided by Poulsen’s seminal work on semiotic technology. The study delves into WhatsApp’s intricate network of semiotic resources, semiotic regimes, and interactions, unveiling the complex interplay between language elements, multimodal features, and cultural aspects within this digital realm. Through the lens of semiotics, multimodal studies, and social semiotics, this investigation endeavors to offer a holistic understanding of WhatsApp’s use as an educational tool, shedding light on its multifaceted role in contemporary educational contexts.

Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health from a Psychological Perspective: A Review of the Contemporary Literature

Social media has become deeply embedded in society, with most individuals spending several hours on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter each day. While social media provides opportunities for connection, entertainment, and information, increasing research indicates use can negatively impact mental health. This paper reviews literature examining the psychological effects of social media on wellbeing. Key areas explored include social comparison and its links to depression and anxiety, exposure to idealized self-representation and impacts on body image, online harassment and cyberbullying, associations between social media addiction and mental distress, fear of missing out (FOMO), and sleep issues. The complex bi-directional relationship between social media and mental health is discussed, acknowledging both potential benefits and drawbacks. Recommendations are provided for individuals aiming to use social media in a psychologically healthy way, as well as areas needing further research. Ultimately, moderate usage paired with conscious digital habits may allow society to harness social media’s upsides while minimizing its risks to well-being.

The Effectiveness of Social Media as a Marketing and Promotion Tool to Increase Consumer Purchase Intention in the Food and Beverage Industry Burger Garage Jakarta

This study develops a new social media strategy for Burger Garage.

Three years have passed since the COVID-19 Pandemic, and the market for Food and Beverage has been changing. This study will help Burger Garage develop its Social Media Strategy to reach its yearly target. Burger Garage has been active in its social media but has yet to reach its full potential. This is due to an underdeveloped marketing channel that needs a clear plan to succeed.

This study analyzes their social Media using external and internal studies. External analysis uses 5 Porter analysis and competitor analysis, while internal analysis will explore using the capabilities of the study. The research also used questionnaires to understand the customers; it targeted Burger Garage customers and gathered 200 respondents to give their thoughts on their marketing strategy, social media promos, and their activities in social media. This research included in-depth interviews and observation with Burger Garage owner. To conclude, this paper analyzes Burger Garage’s business approach and suggests improving its marketing and social media to succeed in the Food and Beverage market.

The Effect of Fear of Missing Out on Buying and Post-Purchasing Behaviour toward Indonesia’s Generation Z Online Shoppers (Case study: E-Commerce Indonesia)

Some things related to a person’s behaviour and preferences will be linked to his behaviour as a consumer. Technological improvements in this era, such as the internet and social media spread, have become an addiction and formed an understanding that social life is needed. However, unfortunately, what is produced on social media does not all have good results. One of them is the phenomenon of FoMO or Fear of Missing Out. This study aims to get a picture of Consumer Buying and Post-Purchase Behaviour, which in this case is Generation Z shoppers on E-Commerce, as the impact of the FoMO phenomenon. This study uses 14 variables in it, namely social self-efficacy, consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence, social media addiction, social media self-control failure, novelty seeking, self-esteem, FoMO, the theory of planned behaviour, purchase intention, buying behaviour, and post-purchasing behaviour.  The methodology is quantitative research, with the analysis method used being PLS-SEM with SmartPLS 4.0. Data analysis shows that all indicators and variables are valid and reliable. The prediction accuracy of the existing models is also good. Based on the survey data, most respondents feel that FoMO has affected their lives, with a score of 5-6 on a Likert scale of 6, indicating a high effect. Also, based on the analyzed data from questionnaire responses, four paths have the most substantial influence, buying behaviour towards post-purchasing behaviour, fear of missing out on subjective norms, purchase intention on buying behavior, and consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence on FoMO.