
Negative Effects of Business-Driven Influence and Sequences in Vocational Education

 Under the plausible pretext that vocational education should serve local businesses, certain negative effects are observed over time, especially where business has an extremely powerful influence on it. Problems detected are often defined as “brood parasitism” with mechanisms of hijacking the curriculum and pseudo technical and pseudo practical training, designed to serve employers’ needs. Thus, the VET lacks a significant amount of flexibility or transferability curriculum, dominated by concrete specific over the broad branch(sector) training, lacking broader theoretical vocational knowledge to enable participants transferable skills, than just knowing only a particular profession well-presented on the market. The combination of employer-centered curricula and students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, the system of VET acts as a mechanism for the reproduction of social inequality with subsequent socio-economic imbalances, and even to some extent to spiritual degenerate tendencies with ambivalent manifestations.