
Decision Analysis to Find Best Solution of Operation and Maintenance Management System in Central Processing Plant (CPP) Gundih Using The SMART Method at PT. Pertamina EP

Central Processing Plant (CPP) Gundih is a gas field owned by PT. Pertamina EP Cepu Field area which is located in Blora Regency, Central Java. The gas produced by the CPP Gundih is channelled to the Tambak Lorok Gas and Steam Power Plant (PLTGU) with a capacity of 1,469MW in the Semarang City area, Central Java. Therefore, the CPP Gundih is a vital national object that supports national energy security, especially for the Central Java area. CPP Gundih first operated in 2013 with the operation and maintenance management system being fully handled by a third party with a contract term of one decade. In the coming year, the contract system will approach the end of the collaboration so that PT. Pertamina EP needs more efficient management schemes and strategies and more agile business processes.

In the past decade, there have been several evaluations that have become a concern for companies in implementing contract systems with third parties. These obstacles mean that several aspects are not managed well and result in problems that reduce the level of customer satisfaction, decrease profits, and increase operational and maintenance costs. So that PT. Pertamina EP is considering several options for better management of the CPP Gundih in the future, namely the option of detailing third party contracts in the future, the option of transferring management by PT. Pertamina EP partially, full management transfer option by PT. Pertamina EP without any third-party involvement.

From several proposed options, the author will use the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) method to select the best option by considering aspects of Cost, Durability and Plant Availability, Manpower Competency Management, Remuneration, Communication Flow, and Integrated Work Procedure. The research results obtained from this method will become a reference for the PT management team. Pertamina EP for decision making related to the operation and maintenance implementation system at the Central Processing Plant (CPP) Gundih gas field.