
A Peer-to-Peer File Storage System Using Blockchain and Interplanetary File System

People’s lives have been profoundly impacted by the headway of innovation which has worked on their lives from each viewpoint. Clearly, innovation assumes a significant part in each circle of life and information stockpiling and sharing is a significant part of it. Current information sharing and storage devices depend on trusted third parties (TTP) and because of the contribution of third parties, such frameworks need straightforwardness, security, trust and strength. To solve these issues, this paper proposes a blockchain-based secure information sharing application by consolidating the highlights of IPFS and Ethereum. In this proposed scheme ethereum blockchain, decentralized storage, encryption and IPFS are combined to build an application that maximizes the technological resources and provide with an effective storage website ,Ethereum blockchain, decentralized capacity, encryption, and InterPlanetary File System are consolidated to assemble an application that boosts the innovative assets and gives a viable storage site. To carry out the proposed situation, smart contracts are written in solidity and sent on the nearby Ethereum test network. The proposed plot accomplishes security, transparency, legitimacy of owner, access control and nature of information.

Land Holding Using Blockchain

Blockchain has been found of great use in various sectors and this technology promises much more because of the high level of security it provides and blockchain provides us trade without the need of any mediators so Land holding system seems to be a very promising area of interest.
All the countries around the world are now implementing blockchain in the area of land registrations in India, we should also consider it as a viable option. The blockchain has provided major security benefits in diverse fields. Therefore, this land holding system is implemented using a blockchain architecture.
In India main problems in traditional land holding system include space constraints, fraud in land registry, lack of uniformity and poor maintenance of land records, lack of single window title verification and investigation system, fear of destruction of records by force majeure events. Therefore, a blockchain is prepared to aid these problems in order to solve these problems we have analyzed, identified and developed an application with the help of blockchain smart contracts. In this paper we are developing a land holding System to encounter the problems in traditional systems.