
The Influence of Service Quality and Telemedicine Convenience on Patient Trust and Its Impact on Elderly Patient Satisfaction at Siloam Hospital Bekasi Sepanjang Jaya

This study aims to analyze the influence of service quality and the convenience of telemedicine on patient trust and its impact on the satisfaction of elderly patients at Siloam Hospital Bekasi Sepanjang Jaya. The research employs a quantitative method with an associative approach. The population in this study consists of all elderly patients treated at Siloam Hospital Bekasi Sepanjang Jaya from January to September 2024, totaling 859 patients. A sample of 136 elderly patients was used. The analytical method applied is the SEM using SmartPLS (Partial Least Square). The findings indicate that service quality affects patient trust, telemedicine affects patient trust, service quality affects patient satisfaction, and telemedicine affects patient satisfaction, trust influences patient satisfaction, service quality mediated by trust influences patient satisfaction, and telemedicine mediated by trust influences the satisfaction of elderly patients at Siloam Hospital Bekasi Sepanjang Jaya.

The Influence of Service Quality on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at Hospital X

The development of the business world is increasing, competition is very tight, so the thing that companies need to pay attention to is service quality. Service quality plays a very important role in hospital services because it will influence the loyalty and satisfaction of customers or patients who come to the hospital. Factors that influence service quality, namely Tangibility, Assurance, Reliability, Responsiveness, and Emphaty. Meanwhile, the definition of satisfaction is a person’s assessment of the product’s perceived performance or results in relation to expectations. And the definition of loyalty is a classic word used to describe loyalty and very enthusiastic devotion to an individual. What can be done to prepare ourselves for market demands is to improve service quality. The aim is to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. This research aims to find out how much influence service quality has on customer satisfaction and loyalty at Hospital X. The number of samples in this research was 100 respondents. The data used is a type of quantitative data obtained from filling out questionnaires by selected respondents using a simple random sampling method. The analytical method used is processed using Smart PLS (Partial Least Square) software. The results of this research show that there is a significant influence of service quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, customer satisfaction has a significant influence on customer loyalty, but customer satisfaction does not mediate the influence of service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Satisfaction Will Mediate the Effect of Waiting Time and Service Quality on Outpatient Loyalty at Husada Hospital

This study aims to analyze the effect of waiting time and service quality on outpatient loyalty at Husada Hospital, by considering patient satisfaction as a mediating variable. The phenomenon of decreasing number of patient visits over the past three years is an important background of this study. The research method used is quantitative with a survey approach. Data were collected through questionnaires filled out by outpatients at Husada Hospital, with the analysis technique using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results showed that waiting time and service quality had a significant effect on patient satisfaction, with p values of 0.000 each. Patient satisfaction also had a significant effect on patient loyalty (p = 0.000). However, waiting time and service quality did not have a direct effect on patient loyalty without mediation of patient satisfaction. The patient satisfaction variable fully mediates the effect of waiting time and service quality on patient loyalty. This study has implications for the need to increase waiting time efficiency and service quality management as a strategy to increase patient loyalty, especially in private hospitals.

Quality Service of The Online Integrated Referral Information System in The Emergency Department of RSUD Bahteramas Southeast Sulawesi Province

The Integrated Referral System (Sisrute) is important in the referral system for patients who need emergency services. This study aims to determine the quality of the Sisrute IGD service at Bahteramas Hospital through qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The primary informants were 12, and the supporting informants were 6—determination of informants using non-probability and purposive sampling techniques. The results showed that the effectiveness of the Sisrute program has not been maximized because there are obstacles such as internet network problems, slow referral response time, and a lack of resources to manage the program. The security aspect of the Sisrute application is considered quite good because it is supervised by the State Cyber Agency (BSSN), which uses one password for one user. For Sisrute’s user admin personnel, there may still be insecurity flaws, such as accounts needing to be signed out after use or users giving their access accounts to other unauthorized parties. Regarding focusing on patients, Sisrute services are considered to have been implemented based on the conditions and needs of patients. The timeliness of Sisrute services is considered a waste of time when answering Sisrute.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Attract Potential Customers and Increase Revenue through Product Diversification in Resik Wangi Auto Detailing

The automotive detailing industry in South Jakarta is experiencing heightened competition, impacting the revenue of Resik Wangi Auto Detailing. This thesis investigates the factors contributing to the revenue decline and proposes a comprehensive marketing strategy focused on product diversification and digital marketing to attract potential customers and increase revenue. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to gather data on customer preferences, market conditions, and business performance. The research identifies that the primary internal challenge is the lack of diversified services, while externally, increased competition and consumer behavior heavily influenced by digital marketing and service quality are critical factors.

Key findings indicate that product diversification, particularly through bundled service packages like the “Signature Menu” and “Ultimate Menu,” can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Competitive pricing strategies and a robust digital marketing presence are essential in attracting and retaining customers. The study concludes that by implementing these strategies, Resik Wangi can effectively address its revenue challenges and achieve sustainable business growth.Recommendations for Resik Wangi include the immediate implementation of diversified service packages, enhanced digital marketing efforts, competitive pricing, and a strong focus on service quality. Additionally, future research should explore further diversification opportunities and the impact of emerging technologies on customer engagement and marketing strategies. This research provides a strategic framework for Resik Wangi Auto Detailing to navigate the competitive landscape, improve market positioning, and increase revenue through targeted marketing and service enhancements.

The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: Case Study on Tokopedia

Transactions on e-commerce have become a common habit in society. Indonesia had approximately 196.47 million e-commerce users, and this number is predicted to continue increasing. The total value of e-commerce transactions has reached Rp 453.75 trillion, and Tokopedia is among the top five e-commerce platforms with the most visitors, totaling 1.2 billion visits. However, Tokopedia has recently experienced a 31% decrease in visits compared to the previous year, and many users have expressed dissatisfaction. Based on these issues, the aim of this research is to determine the influence of service quality and perceived ease of use on customer loyalty, with customer satisfaction serving as a mediating variable with the object of research Tokopedia. This research is quantitative in nature, utilizing descriptive and causal analysis. Sampling was carried out using purposive sampling method, resulting in 400 respondents who fulfilled the requirements applied in this research. The analysis was conducted using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with the SmartPLS 3. The findings of this research indicate a positive and significant effect of perceived ease of use and service quality on customer loyalty, both directly and indirectly through customer satisfaction. The model used in this study explains 55.8% of consumer loyalty behavior towards Tokopedia, which falls into the moderate category. Tokopedia should enhance the quality of services offered to users and ensure they encounter no difficulties while using the Tokopedia application. The objective is to improve customer satisfaction on Tokopedia, ultimately leading to increased customer loyalty.

The Relationship between Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Perceptions, and Brand Loyalty at Nestle Indonesia Official Store in Shopee

Customer loyalty is a crucial factor for achieving long-term profitability by fostering strong relationships with customers. Loyal customer exhibit behaviors such as repeat purchases, willingness to recommend the company’s products, and resistance to competitor offerings. The level of satisfaction with the services provided by a company is initial predictor of customer loyalty behavior. Nestle Indonesia’s new strategy of opening online stores through major e-commerce platforms in Indonesia has increased opportunities for customers to access the company’s products. However, Nestle’s customers have faced issues in their online shopping experience due to a significant gap between their expectations and the actual performance of Nestle’s service quality. This study aims to examine the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, customer perception, and brand loyalty using a path analysis approach based on Partial Least Square (PLS). Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 400 customers, determined using the Slovin formula. The sampling technique used for these 400 customers was purposive sampling. The results of this study indicate that Nestle’s service quality is perceived as suboptimal, particularly in terms of reliability and responsiveness. This has led to low customer satisfaction, poor customer perception of Nestle, and consequently low customer loyalty. The influence of service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer perception on customer loyalty is 90.9%, and customer perception shows as a mediating variable between service quality and brand loyalty.

The Influence of Service Quality and Product Quality of Livin Mandiri through Satisfaction Customers and its Impact on Customer Loyalty of Bank Mandiri KCP Tanjung Balai, North Sumatra Province

The aim of this research is to determine the quality of service and product quality of Livin Mandiri on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction at Bank Mandiri KCP Tanjung Balai North Sumatera Province.

This research is quantitative empirical research using hypothesis research that examines the significant influence and direction of the direct and indirect relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable through the intervening variable. Data in the research is primary data obtained from 100 sample people obtained using the Slovin formula from a 20.088 population.

Based on statistical test results, it was found that livin mandiri service quality have a positive effect on customer loyalty but not significant. Product quality have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction is able to mediate the relationship between livin mandiri product quality and customer loyalty. Meanwhile, the relationship between Livin Mandiri’s service quality and customer loyalty cannot be mediated by customer satisfaction at Bank Mandiri KCP Tanjung Balai North Sumatera Province.

Efforts to Enhance Service Quality: The Roles of Innovation Capability and Service Recovery

This research aims to discuss the service quality issue at 4-star hotels in Medan. Next, build a model on how to enhance service quality.  A sample of 560 guests was taken by random proportional from each hotel. Structural equation models with the lisrel software supported. Market orientation influences innovation capability and service quality. Value co-creation influences innovation capability, service recovery, and service quality. Innovation capability influences service recovery. Innovation capability mediation can increase the influence of market orientation on service recovery. Service recovery affects service quality. Integration between functions in hotels, especially information dissemination in formulating policies to increase innovation capabilities, is important to pay attention to. It is important to develop a risk-taking attitude to improve service recovery. Recovery strategies are important to pay attention to in efforts to improve service quality. The role of market orientation needs to be followed by innovation capability to improve service recovery.

The Influence of Teamwork and Work Environment on Service Quality through Job Satisfaction

Optimal service for public service users is a necessity for increasing citizen satisfaction. The determinant of service quality lies in employee performance. There are several factors that influence service quality, including team work, work environment and job satisfaction. This research aims to: examine the influence of team work and the work environment on job satisfaction; examine the influence of team work, work environment and job satisfaction on service quality; and examine the influence of teamwork and work environment on service quality through job satisfaction.

The population of this study was 49 Civil Servants (PNS) of the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service, Mojokerto Regency, East Java. Meanwhile, determining the sample size uses a saturated sampling technique, that is, the entire population is taken as a sample. Meanwhile, data collection uses a questionnaire distributed to respondents. The data analysis technique uses SEM PLS.

The research results show that: (1) teamwork and the work environment have a significant effect on job satisfaction; (2) team work, work environment, and job satisfaction have a significant effect on service quality; and (3) teamwork and the work environment influence service quality through job satisfaction but are not significant. For this reason, if the management of the Mojokerto Regency One Stop Investment and Integrated Services Department seeks to improve the quality of service to citizens, this can be done by strengthening teamwork and creating a conducive work environment for employees.