
Online Zoning-Based Admission Systems in Junior High Schools: A Study on Efficiency and Accessibility in Gorontalo City

The purpose of this study is to analyse and describe the online New Learner Admission (PPDB) service through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City with a focus on (1) goal achievement, (2) integration, and (3) adaptation. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentary. Data analysis techniques through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that (1) the achievement of goals in the online New Learner Admission (PPDB) service through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City has not been effective because it still faces obstacles such as student domicile data that is not always accurate in the system, and community dissatisfaction (parents and prospective students) with online PPDB services. (2) Integration in online New Learner Admission (PPDB) services through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City has not been effective because it still faces obstacles such as limited training for school operators and teachers, lack of public understanding, especially parents of students about zoning rules, and technical problems with network infrastructure capacity that still needs to be improved. (3) Adaptation to online New Learner Admission (PPDB) services through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City has not been effective because it still faces obstacles in the form of unstable school internet accessibility. Suggestions to improve the success of zoning-based online PPDB services in Gorontalo City include strengthening student domicile data validation, improving operator and teacher training, socialising zoning rules to parents more effectively, and increasing network infrastructure capacity.

Talent Readiness of PT KAI to Face the Era of Change

PT KAI is the only rail-based transportation company in Indonesia managed by SOEs. The main services offered by PT KAI are transportation for passengers and products, while its non-core business is real estate, and its subsidiaries include six companies offering a wide range of services. PT KAI is currently undergoing changes that can be seen with the change in partnership PT KAI is moving towards Global Partnership. This can be seen by the cooperation carried out by PT KAI with other countries in carrying out the Indonesian Fast Train project. One of PT KAI’s missions is to become digital-based railway transportation. This mission is a business response to changes moving into the digital era.

This research was conducted using quantitative methods. Data collection was carried out by researchers by visiting PT KAI Head Office located on Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No.1, Babakan Ciamis, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, and PT KAI Training Center located in two locations, namely Jl. Kacapiring, Batununggal District, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia, and Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.215, Dago, Coblong District, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesian. The respondents of this study were active employees of PT KAI totaling 168 respondents. The method of data collection is carried out by du event, namely Quick Count or Pooling Priority, and also through Questionnaires. The data processed then was from 140 respondents. The data reduction was carried out because it was found that there were outliers of 28 respondents or 16.67% obtained through examination with the  SPSS 26 tool with the Casewise Diagnostic method.

Researchers also provide solutions to change issues so that PT KAI is better prepared to face the era of change in the future,  consist of PT KAI Goes International through English Habits, and Work Abroad Opportunities for PT KAI’s Top Talent, Transforming Service Quality and Security by maximizing the use of AI and Renewable Technology in all Business processes, Creating Synergies (Including SOEs) through harmonious and collaborative strategic alliances with other state-owned companies, Global Partnership as the best transportation ecosystem solution for Indonesia by opening up to the existence of a Global partnership business scheme.

Growth Hack Service Framework for Boleh Dicoba Digital Company Based on Growth Hacking Framework and Value Co-Creation Framework

BDD growth hack service practice is close to Bohnsack and Liesner (2019) and Kohtamäki & Rajala (2016) growth hack framework but lacking in data analysis and testing. The author suggested a new framework that combines the growth hack framework and the value co-creation framework. New operational instructions include value creation agreements and A/B testing based on comparative analysis. BDD should also remind clients about value creation and discuss value in exchange and value in use assignments. The new framework should increase service quality and resource availability of BDD growth hack service.

Proposed Service and Marketing Communication Initiatives to Strengthen Blibli Positioning in E-Commerce Industry

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the trend of online shopping in Indonesia has been increasing as people are reluctant to shop outside their homes. This triggered the growth of the e-commerce industry, which then resulted in high competition in the industry. Each company provides a wide selection of products and competitive prices to increase sales. Blibli, as one of the leading e-commerce companies in Indonesia under Djarum Group, believes that there needs to be other initiatives beyond price and product variety to strengthen the company’s position. Blibli is committed to providing convenience and security in shopping by providing maximum service. By using primary and secondary data, the author analyses conditions of competitors, customer segmentation that prioritizes services, and how to effectively communicate the services that Blibli has. Primary data is obtained through questionnaires distributed to active users of e-commerce. Through the research conducted, it can be concluded that Blibli’s main competitors (Tokopedia and Shopee) currently do not use services as a differentiator. The author also proposes customer segmentation, namely the millennial generation, who are aware of the importance of service in online shopping. Blibli’s “positioning” proposed in this research is basically in accordance with Blibli’s current “positioning,” but Blibli needs to update its marketing communication strategy so that customers understand Blibli’s advantages. The proposal submitted by the author is expected to help Blibli strengthen its position in the industry as a company that always prioritizes customer satisfaction through excellent services.

Implementation of the Inaportnet Policy for Ship and Goods Services at the Office of the Main Port Authority Tanjung Perak Surabaya

To improve services for ships and goods at ports, the Indonesian government issued various regulations to make it more efficient and attract investment so that economic activity continues to increase. One of the regulations is the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number PM 157 of 2015 concerning Inaportnet. Inaportnet is an open and neutral electronic portal to facilitate the exchange of port service data and information quickly, safely, neutrally and easily. Inaportnet is integrated with relevant government agencies, port business entities, and logistics industry players to increase the competitiveness of the Indonesian logistics community.
This qualitative research method uses an implementation model according to Van Horn Van Meter. In general, the implementation of Inaportnet for ship and goods services at the Tanjung Perak Surabaya Main Port Authority (KOP) has been going quite well, but several things need improvement to improve time efficiency and improve performance. This is relevant to aspects of policy standards and objectives/policy measures and objectives; resource; the characteristics of the implementing organization; attitude of the implementers; communication between related organizations and implementation activities; and the social, economic, socio-political environment.
Factors that support the implementation of Inaportnet for ship and goods services at the Tanjung Perak Surabaya Main KOP is the readiness of supporting resources, both human resources and facilities at Tanjung Perak Port Surabaya. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor for the implementation of this policy is the technical problem of the inaportnet system. Although the implementation of the inaportnet policy has been good, there are still several things that need to be improved and improved, including operational technical aspects, legal and institutional aspects.