
Self-Employment and Poverty in Morocco: The Case of the Informal Sector

Among the most important sectors where self-employment is expanding are the agricultural, industrial and service sectors. Support programs to accompany self-initiative and enable the integration of the informal sector include : the “Moukawalati” program in its new version, the “Infitah” program, the “Imtyaz” program and the “Moussanada” program, in addition to the “Rawaj”, “Damane Express” and “Tatwir Express” programs. The possibility of obtaining financing is one of the difficulties for the self-employed and small businesses. In addition to this, there are problems related to management, equipment, supervision, support, lack of regular and rigorous accounting management, insufficient training provided (initial and continuing), problems in the use of new technologies and lack of knowledge related to planning and management. The system, the conditions of risk-taking, coupled with the numerous and slow administrative procedures, not to mention the difficulty in obtaining information, low competitiveness, and high costs of speculation.