
ESG Integration into Company Valuation: Case Study of PT Surya Energi Indotama

The commitment of Indonesia to the Paris Agreement has prompted the government to issue regulations supporting the development of renewable energy in the country. Utilizing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria allows investors to align their values with their investments and effectively evaluate a company’s risk management capabilities. Companies that prioritize ESG principles, particularly those involved in renewable energy production, can seize opportunities arising from this situation. PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI), a company that has not engaged in equity funding before, aims to capitalize on these opportunities. To assess the value of PT SEI, both absolute valuation and relative valuation methods are employed. Recognizing the potential of ESG factors to enhance company value, the author implements the Value Driven Adjustment approach and incorporates the SASB industry ESG standard. The valuation analysis reveals a potential valuation increase of up to 30%.