
Principal Managerial Skills in Implementing School-Based Management: A Literature Review

This study aimed to describe principals’ managerial skills in the development of School-Based Management (SBM). The method used in this study was a literature review. The results and discussion of the study, namely the principal’s managerial skills, include; Technical skills (technical abilities), human skills (human relations abilities), and conceptual skills (conceptual abilities), which are implemented in school-based management with components of curriculum management and teaching programs, education staff, student affairs, finance, educational facilities and infrastructure, management of school and community relations, and special services for institutions. The indicators for the success of School-Based Management (SBM) include support from school principals and teachers, sufficient financial resources, clear commitments, responsibilities, skills, and qualifications of school officials, appropriate plans, obligations, and accountability.

School and Community Relationship Management: A Literature Review

School-based management (SBM) is a management model that provides flexibility and freedom to schools that are expected to be able to manage and develop education with good education management in accordance with the potential, demands and needs that exist in schools. The management of SBM that occurs in school and community relations will provide a process of fostering and developing the personal growth of students so that it has an impact on improving the quality of schools. The problem is quite complex, one of which is the relationship between the school and the community.