
Pupils’ Reading Proficiency Level using Scholastic Literacy Pro

This study assessed the reading proficiency levels of Grade 1 students at St. Paul University Surigao using Scholastic Literacy Pro. The study employed a one-group pretest-posttest design to assess the impact of using Scholastic Literacy Pro, a program designed to support independent reading and provide teachers with data to personalize instruction. The researchers conducted pre-and post-tests to measure the student’s progress in reading proficiency, categorizing their scores into advanced, proficient, basic, and below basic levels. Results showed that proficiency levels were predominantly below basic, with only a small percentage reaching basic, proficient, or advanced levels. No significant differences were found when grouping by section, sex, previous school attended, or school type. However, a significant difference was found between pre-and post-test scores, indicating the instructional reading intervention had a positive impact. To further improve reading proficiency, the study recommends targeted instructional strategies addressing specific learning needs, ongoing teacher professional development on effective methodologies and progress monitoring, and enhancing teachers’ knowledge and skills to cater to diverse learner needs. By implementing these recommendations, the school can continue to raise reading proficiency levels among Grade 1 students.

Reading Proficiency Skills of Grade 10 Students

Reading is essential in education, equipping students with the skills to become proficient readers and holistic communicators. It involves decoding transcriptive symbols and sounds to activate meaning and prior knowledge, as well as recognizing structures to make information comprehensible. Despite the Philippines’ below-average reading score of 347 points in the 2023 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), there has been a 6.9% increase since 2018. National education policies and collective efforts are mirrored in these results, as emphasized by the Department of Education.

St. Paul University Surigao’s Basic Education Department has long promoted reading, partnering with Scholastic Literacy Pro to provide diverse reading materials and personalized instruction. This study assesses the reading proficiency of Grade 10 learners using this program, aiming to inform future instructional practices.

Using a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design, 216 Grade 10 students participated, with proficiency levels classified from Below Basic to Advanced. Results indicated minor improvements, with a slight decrease in students classified as Below Basic and an increase in those at the Advanced level. The study underscores the importance of continuous reading programs and strategic interventions in improving literacy.

Recommendations include enhancing reading programs, professional development for teachers, active parental involvement, regular progress monitoring, and further research into effective literacy strategies. These steps aim to address reading proficiency gaps and support students’ academic success and holistic development.