
Valuation and Financial Performance Analysis of Pt. Indika Energy

According to a coal market update study by the International Energy Agency, coal prices have been highly volatile during the previous five years, significantly influencing Indonesian coal companies’ operations and substantially impacting income and stock values. Furthermore, the increased global attention to addressing climate change is anticipated to lead to stricter enforcement of carbon emissions laws by 2030. PT. Indika Energy is an energy company that highly relies on coal prices, accounting for 75% to 88% of its revenue. Indika has stated four strategies, two of which are Efficiency and Synergy Optimization, and Prudent management. However, the result of profitability performance is not aligned with the company strategy. This research proposes to evaluate the comprehensive financial performance, assess the intrinsic value using the DCF-FCFF approach, and estimate PT’s price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio and Market to Book (M/B) ratio. Indika Energy. This study uses several ratios, including liquidity, profitability, activity, and leverage ratio. The study revealed that the company demonstrates the worst liquidity performance and is the least profitable among its peers. However, the company has managed to maintain the most significant leverage ratio. According to the DCF valuation, the company appears to be undervalued, with an intrinsic value of IDR 3,247, while the market value is IDR 1,540. The company is also undervalued based on its relative valuation metrics. It has a price-to-earnings ratio (PER) of 1.06 and a price-to-book value (PBV) of 0.45, compared to the industry average PER of 5.15 and PBV of 5.27. Hence, the company should minimize its reliance on subcontractors by optimizing its cost structure.

Stock Valuation and Dividend Policy Decision of PT ELSA INDONESIA, TBK

Oil shortages began in 2015 due to underinvestment caused by ESG policy. Oil firms need the funds to finance their new refinery, rig, and exploration since most western countries are switching from oil to alternative energy.

Geopolitical and economic instability, fear of a downturn, and rising inflation have harmed the worldwide Oil and Gas services market Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, oil prices rose to USD122/barrel for WTI and USD128/barrel for Brent. WTI fell to USD80/barrel and Brent to USD86/barrel by 2022, despite mid-year volatility. PT Elnusa Tbk is an integrated oil services company through its subsidiaries, offers services that include geophysical data, drilling, and oilfield services. The objective of this research is proposes to evaluate the financial performance, valuation and making a recommendation for ELSA regarding its cash. Two methods of valuation are utilized to estimate ELSA’s intrinsic value: absolute valuation and relative valuation. Discounted Cash Flow to the Firm (DCF) model is used for absolute valuation, meanwhile Price to Book Value (PBV) and Price to Earning Ratio (P/E Ratio) methods are used for relative valuation. Dividend policy and buyback share projection is conducted to find the best decision for ELSA. By referring to absolute valuation, ELSA’s intrinsic value is estimated at IDR639/share. By referring to relative valuation using PBV and P/E methods, ELSA’s intrinsic value is calculated at IDR 564/share . These numbers are significantly higher than ELSA’s current price at IDR 378/share, thus providing relatively high margin of the following stage ELSA will keep on paying dividends to the shareholders. With ELSA DPR 33,25% in 10 years ELSA will have 4,756,289 million in 10 years and the cash could be for management risk if a big crisis or force majeure.

Feasibility Study of Student Financing Startup Company for BRI Ventures Investments Study Case of: “Company A”

The problem faced by BRI Venture is to determine the feasibility of investing in Company A, a start-up in the student financing market in Indonesia. The valuation of start-ups in Indonesia is difficult, making it challenging for BRI Venture to assess the viability of the investment. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the factors affecting Company A’s business, both internally and externally, in order to make an informed investment decision.

The study focuses on three key research objectives: (1) to examine the macroeconomic and industry impact on Company A’s business by using Porter’s Five Forces model, PESTLE model, and market sizing; (2) to examine the internal aspects impacting Company A’s business by using the VRIO model; and (3) to determine the valuation of Company A by using the DCF and relative valuation methods.

The findings of the study reveal that the Indonesian student financing market presents both opportunities and challenges. The PESTEL analysis highlights the increasing demand for student loans in Indonesia, creating growth opportunities for the industry. However, the Five Porter framework analysis highlights the intense competition, strong buyer bargaining power, and weak supplier bargaining power, which may make it difficult for new entrants to succeed.

The VRIO Framework analysis suggests that Company A has a number of sources of sustained competitive advantage, including adaptable repayment terms, technological capabilities, and market position, indicating that Company A’s internal situation is strong. The Absolute Valuation and Relative Valuation results indicate that Company A valuation is between $59 million and $73 million.

In conclusion, while the Indonesian student financing market presents a growth opportunity, BRI Venture must carefully consider the challenges and competition in the market before making an investment in Company A. The internal analysis of Company A suggests that it has a strong position in the market, with a range of assets and competencies that can offer a sustainable competitive advantage. The valuation results provide a range of potential equity stake that BRI Venture could ask for if an investment in Company A is made.

PT Garuda Indonesia (PERSERO) Tbk Stock (GIAA) Fair Value Valuation Post Restructuring and Relisting on IDX

The financial difficulties experienced by PT. Garuda Indonesia, characterized by its inability to meet its obligations to several creditors, resulted in the temporary delisting of its shares from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on June 18, 2021. This situation was further exacerbated by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which led to a decline in revenue due to a decrease in passenger numbers and air traffic.

Garuda Indonesia initiated a restructuring effort through the Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU) route with a number of creditors. This resulted in an extension of the payment terms, a conversion of debt to equity, and a modification of the debt structure. The company also implemented improvements to its operational practices aimed at reducing costs. These efforts have produced positive outcomes, including an increase in equity and a decrease in the company’s liabilities.Top of FormBottom of Form Garuda Indonesia also increased the company’s capital through Additional Capital with Pre-emptive Rights (PMHMETD), Additional Capital without Pre-emptive Rights (PMTHMETD) and investment from the government of the Republic of Indonesia through State Investment (PNM).

After completing the restructuring process, Garuda Indonesia (GIAA) shares were free from suspension and were able to return to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with an initial price of Rp.204. This study was conducted to determine the fair value of GIAA shares upon their return to IDX in early January 2023. The study utilized two methods: the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method and the Relative Valuation method. The DCF method resulted in a fair value of Rp. 165.3 for the shares, implying that the initial issuance value was overvalued by 18.97%. The Relative Valuation method EV/sales ratio, yielded a fair value of Rp. 929 for the shares, suggesting that the current issuance value was undervalued by 355%.

Stock Valuation and Business Performances of Indonesia Health Care Provider Company after Post Covid 19 Pandemics (Case Study of PT. Medikaloka Hermina, Tbk.)

The Covid-19 pandemic caused a contraction in the Indonesian economy, as evidenced by the large number of layoffs, and several companies had to declare bankruptcy, but this did not occur for companies engaged in health services, including hospitals. The large number of Indonesians infected with the Covid-19 virus caused hospitals to experience an increase in inpatient admissions, which accelerated the hospitals’ financial performance in a very short period of time. PT Mediloka Hermina, Tbk (HEAL) is a private hospital with the greatest number of branches in Indonesia, all of which are impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. This is also a positive sentiment among stock investors, as they perceive the health industry sector to have very promising future prospects. Several listed hospital company on the IDX have seen their share prices increase significantly over the past year, including PT. Mediloka Hermina, Tbk, whose share price increased by 197 percent between 23 March 2020 and 23 March 2021. This made the author curious about PT Mediloka Hermina, Tbk’s stock valuation and whether its shares are classified as overvalued or undervalued. This study utilizes secondary data obtained from the annual report of PT. Mediloka Hermina, Tbk as well as and, among others. The data was processed with the absolute valuation method (Discounted Cash Flow) and the relative valuation method (Relative Value) in mind (EV EBITDA and Price Earnings to Ratio). Using the Discounted Cash Flow model, the company’s intrinsic value is IDR 452.80 per share. It has a safety margin of -135 percent relative to the per-share market price of IDR 1,065 as of 31 December 2021. The intrinsic value per share is 688 IDR based on the relative price-to-earnings ratio and relative valuation EV EBITDA of 7.21. Following the evaluation procedure. The author may determine the relationship between HEAL’s fundamental company and its stock price growth.

Financial Performance and Stock Valuation of Tobacco Company in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Amidst the Hike of Excise Tax Rate Period 2017-2021

In the tobacco sector, there was a consistent decline in the price of shares outstanding during 2017 – 2021. The consistent decline in stock prices in the market in the tobacco sector initiated the author to analyze the financial performance condition of all companies in the tobacco sector and the stock valuation of companies with the best financial performance compared to other companies. So, it can be concluded that the market price position is now undervalued or still in an overvalued position to be the basis for making investment decisions. In this study, the financial performance of tobacco companies will be analyzed using the method of the decree of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) or decree No. KEP-100 / MBU / 2002. This method will result in the health level status (Healthy, Less Healthy, Unhealthy) of each tobacco company each year in the period 2017 to 2021. Stock valuation in companies with the healthiest company predicate from the tobacco sector on the Indonesian stock exchange for the 2017-2021 period. The Stock Valuation that will be used is the absolute and relative method. In the absolute method, the researcher used the discounted cash flow (DCF) method and Dividend Discount Model (DDM). As for the relative method, the researcher used Price to Book Value (PBV), Price to Earnings Ratio (PER), and EV/EBITDA.

Based on PBV, PER, and EV/EBITDA, the intrinsic value of HMSP is Rp. 660.56, Rp. 1,093.53, and Rp. 1,104.57, respectively. DCF generates a result of IDR 1,301.35, and DDM gets IDR 1,375.53. Since only the PBV results reveal overvalued outcomes when compared to the market price, even though the share price is still Rp 915, it can be said that the market price of HMSP’s shares is undervalued. As a result, the researcher suggests investing in HMSP shares. The suggestion is being made because there is a chance for investors to profit from capital gains and dividends because the market price of HMSP is still undervalued in comparison to its underlying worth.