
Development of Problem-Based-Learning (PBL)-Oriented Electronic Student Worksheets (e-Worksheet) to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Class XI Senior High School Students on Factors that Influence Rate of Chemical Reactions Material

Education system changes from time to time, and with these changes, the existing curriculum in Indonesia also continues to undergo several curriculum updates. The Merdeka Curriculum is the answer to the high level of competition that occurs in the 21st century. Factors that influence the rate of chemical reactions are one of the materials in chemistry phase F of the Merdeka curriculum, which has abstract characteristics and requires experimentation. Based on these characteristics, the problem-based-learning (PBL) learning model is suitable for use and can improve students’ critical thinking skills. This research aims to determine the feasibility of developing a PBL-oriented student e-worksheet to improve critical thinking skills on factors that influence reaction rates. The method used in this research is R&D with a 4D model. The results obtained are that the student e-worksheet developed is feasible because the content and construct validity results obtained in mode 5 with a very valid category, then the practicality results obtained a response questionnaire score of 98.44%, which was supported by the results of the student activity sheets, and the effectiveness was obtained. From the data from the pretest and posttest results, which were analyzed using the SPSS Paired Sample t-Test, the results showed that there was an increase in students’ critical thinking skills, namely with a significance value of 0.00.