
Yield and Quality Aspects of ‘Sra Roucha’ Seedless Grapes as Affected by Gibberellic Acid

‘Sra Roucha’ is an early ripening seedless variety grown successfully under Steppe climate of Afghanistan. Its main problems are lower yield and quality, in terms of, cluster compactness, berry size and firmness. This experiment was undertaken for three growing seasons (2015-2017) at Ordokhan research station in Herat province of Afghanistan to investigate the effect of GA3 on yield, cluster and berry characters as well as sensory features. Treatments were: control, 10mg/L GA3 pre-bloom; 20mg/L GA3 pre-bloom; 10mg/L GA3 at 40% bloom; 20mg/L GA3 at 40% bloom; 10mg/L GA3 at 40% bloom + 10mg/L GA3 at 80% bloom; 20mg/L GA3 at 40% bloom + 20mg/L GA3 at 80% bloom; 10mg/L GA3 pre-bloom + 60 mg/L GA3 at 4 mm berry-size stage; 10mg/L GA3 pre-bloom + 60mg/L GA3 at 4 mm berry-size stage). Each treatment was replicated thrice with one vine per replicate. The experiment was run as split-plot in the frame of randomized complete block design. Data pertinent with sensory attributes were analyzed by Friedman’s non-parametric two-way ANOVA. Results showed that GA3 treatments significantly affected yield, cluster length, weight and compactness, berry diameter, berry length and berry TSS, color, taste and firmness. Application of 20 mg/L GA3 before flowering plus 60 mg/L GA3 at 4 mm berry-size stage, resulted in higher yield, cluster and berry characteristics as well as berry sensory features. Therefore, GA3 (20 mg/L pre-bloom + 60 mg/L at 4mm berry-size stage) is the reasonable technique for enhancing yield and quality aspects of ‘Sra Roucha’ seedless grapes.

Analyzing Factors Influencing Purchase Intention for Crevolene Products from Evolene Company: A Study on Brand, Packaging, Promotion, Price, and Quality

The Indonesian market for dietary supplements, including products like creatine supplement, has seen significant growth due to the increasing focus on health and wellness. With a rise in fitness activities and a health-conscious population, there is a target market for such supplements. From the interview with the CEO of Evolene, it revealed a notable fluctuation in Crevolene sales since November 2022, raising concerns about revenue stability and sustainable growth. Understanding the contributing factors, such as changing consumer preferences, market dynamics, and pricing fluctuations, is crucial to develop effective marketing strategies. Preliminary findings suggest that Crevolene is gaining recognition among individuals who engage in regular workout routines, indicating a potential target market. By focusing marketing efforts on this segment and analyzing purchase intentions, Evolene can tailor strategies to increase sales and align with customer preferences. Further research is needed to refine market segmentation and develop precise targeting strategies. The purposes of this study are to identify the factors that influence Crevolene product from Evolene company sales and to increase sales of Crevolene product of Evolene Company. This study uses a quantitative research method with descriptive statistics. The sample for this research consists of 207 respondents taken by using non-probability sampling method. The questionnaire will employ a Likert scale with five levels, representing an interval scale. Questionnaire will be distributed online. The research tool used in this research is questionnaire. The data analysis methods used are validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test and hypothesis testing using SPSS software. Based on the research results showed that price, promotion and packaging have significant influence on purchase intention. Consumers before making a purchase, commonly check pricing among several brands or goods. A product’s competitive pricing or superior value as compared to alternatives might influence consumers’ buying intentions. A product may become more alluring when compared to more expensive choices thanks to price reductions or promotions, Promotions frequently include discounts, exclusive deals, or incentives, which give the buyer the impression that they are getting more for their money. Their opinion that they are receiving a good price or additional benefits may affect their decision to buy, also packaging that is attractive and well-designed may draw customers in, stand out on store shelves, and provide a good first impression.

Risk Management Assessment at Primary Health Clinic to Support Quality Improvement

The rapid increase in population provides opportunities for businesses in the health sector to develop. Health workers began to look for profits and channel self-actualization by opening primary clinics. However, in running the primary clinic business, the owner faces obstacles in managing risk at the Primary Clinic because there are no guidelines for carrying out risk management at the clinic. Based on this premise, the research respondents were primary clinic owners in the city of Bandung. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire containing the type of clinic, clinic age, turnover per month, average number of patients per day, risk awareness, application of risk management, and statements related to risk management and quality of health services. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistical method, and hypothesis testing with multiple linear regression. This hypothesis test proves that risk management can support the improvement of the quality of health services with value of R square 75,9%. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide a solution to increase awareness of the clinic owner about risk management by building a risk culture in the Primary Clinic entity. In addition, procedures for carrying out risk assessments are carried out starting from determining the context in the primary clinic, identifying non-medical risks, analyzing, evaluating, to determining mitigation activities. After that, strategic initiatives and monitoring plans are determined because risk management is a long-term and continuous process to support business processes and improve the quality of health services.

The Effect of the Quality of Human Resources, Financial Management Accountability, and Accounting Information Systems on the Quality of Financial Reports in the Simeuleu District

The paper aimed to analyze whether the quality of accountability of financial management accountability and accounting information systems significantly impacts the quality of financial statements of education programs in high schools in Simeulue Regency. Our data collection with the help of a questionnaire to the school principal then our data analyzes using IBM SPSS 23 statistics. A series of analyses of this study shows an increase in the quality of human resources accountability of financial governance, and the ease of accounting information systems significantly impact the quality of the financial statements High School Education in Simeulue Regency. Thus, partial statistical tests can be concluded that Ha1, Ha2, and Ha3 are entirely accepted.

Review of the Effects of Water Characteristics and Quality on Human Health

This paper reviews water quality parameters and their health effects on humans with the objective of enlightening the public on drinking water guidelines, the focal point and protection measures. It is also intended to help evade the health catastrophe that manifests as a result of ingesting water containing substances in excess concentration of recommended limits. Sources of water are reviewed, including rain water, surface water and groundwater. The presence and level of the biological, physical and chemical constituents referred to as water parameters which determine its suitability for drinking were also reviewed. Biological parameters are microorganisms, while physico-chemical parameters include temperature, color, dissolved solids, cations, etc. Drinking water quality standards as well as the health impacts of water quality parameters were discussed. Some of the health impacts include water borne diseases, organ failures, cancer, neurological damage, etc. The paper concludes that microorganisms and chemical constituents in drinking water sources and supply can directly or indirectly impair the use of the water for human consumption. Recommendations were made including the disinfection of drinking water sources to prevent growth of disease causing organisms, hand washing to prevent infections including Covid 19 virus and laboratory assessment of water quality parameters to ascertain their conformity with drinking water standards.

The Development of the Quality of Indonesian Educators through Professional Teachers: A Literature Review

The government’s efforts to continue to develop the teaching profession as a strong and respected profession in line with other professions can be seen from the issuance of Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers who seek to develop the teaching profession through legal protection. The government has made efforts to improve the professionalism of teachers, including increasing the qualifications and requirements for higher education levels for teaching staff from the school level to tertiary institutions. Other efforts made by the government are the certification program and the establishment of the PKG (Teacher Activity Center), MGMP (Subject Teacher Consultation) and KKG (Teacher Working Group).The important thing and needs to be done by the government is to build self-reliance among teachers.