
Marketing Strategy to Increase Company Sales (Case Study on CV. Sari Nikmat Semar)

Bakso is one of the well-known foods in Indonesia. Those words supported the data of the increase in bakso package consumption in Indonesia in the last couple years. Bandung being the largest area for the increasing bakso package consumption compared to the other cities. This creates a large potential market to increase the sales for the company. However, this situation is different for CV. Sari Nikmat Semar. The company has faced a decrease in their sales especially in the last two years. It is found that the company did not have a marketing strategy to gain their customers in the current market competition. Several studies have mentioned that promotion mix would impact the changing of customer attitude into the purchase intention. Within this situation, this research will find out (1) the effect of internal analysis towards the promotion of the company (2) the effect of external analysis towards the promotion of the company. This analysis will conduct on how the promotion mix influences the changing on customer attitude towards their purchase intention into bakso package products. This research uses mixed methods by doing the in-depth interview and survey questionnaire of the customer that has experience on purchased bakso package products. The author collected the data by coming directly into several traditional markets in Bandung with the main focus on promotion mix. The author finds that there is a differentiation between promotion mix that is chosen by result from in-depth interviews and questionnaire surveys. This research came up with the conclusion that promotion mix will impact customer attitude on doing the process of purchase period. This will help to increase sales of the company.

Relationship between Promotion Mix and Brand Awareness (Case Study: Dizayn)

Indonesia is one of the most developed countries in Southeast Asia, there are many designers from Indonesia who have achieved success at the international level. The Indonesian fashion industry currently contributes 20% to the creative economy sector. In this case, the government also contributes to developing the country’s fashion industry in various ways by making policies, providing capital support, and carrying out digital transformation. The development of fashion today is quite rapid, various styles of clothing can change quickly. In addition, the use of technology can be said to be inseparable from human life today. Based on data, technology users in Indonesia continue to grow and are expected to continue to increase until 2025. Various kinds of special brands in Indonesia have sprung up to compete with their respective characteristics. Now there are many consumers who buy clothes with various brand choices online, whether in the marketplace or on social media. Marketplace income in terms of clothing is also experiencing a positive impact from sales of fashion products and in 2020, even during a pandemic, people prefer to buy fashion products over other products. Even in Bandung itself, fashion is a sector that contributes to PAD (Pendapatan Asli Daerah). Bandung is also often used as a benchmark for Indonesian fashion, known as Paris Van Java, which on the other hand also attracts tourists to come to Bandung. One brand that utilizes social media and marketplaces to market and sell its products is Dizayn, which was founded in 2018 in Bandung. In running its business, Dizayn experiences problems in terms of brand awareness from the market, this needs to be studied to increase Dizayn’s brand awareness to compete with existing competitors. This study aims to analyze Dizayn’s current condition, propose the right promotion mix for Dizayn and propose an implementation plan for the promotional mix solution that has been made. The promotion mix has 5 (five) variables there are of advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing. The hypotheses of this study are as follows: H1 advertising has a positive relationship with brand awareness, H2 sales promotion has a positive relationship with brand awareness, H3 personal selling has a positive relationship with brand awareness, H4 public relations has a positive relationship with brand awareness, H5 direct marketing has a positive relationship with brand awareness. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis to see the relationship between the independent variable, namely the promotion mix, and the dependent variable, namely brand awareness. The results shows that advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and direct marketing have a positive relationship with brand awareness, which means that H1, H2, H3 and H5 are acceptable. The promotion mix that has a positive relationship, direct advertising and marketing has the highest significant value, namely 0.000, where this value is less than 0.05. Meanwhile, public relations have a negative relationship, which means that H4 is rejected or unacceptable, which has a significance value of 0.420. The contribution of this research to science is so that in the future this research can be a reference or reference to see the relationship between promotion mix and brand awareness in different industries and larger companies. So that future research continues to develop according to the times. In addition, the results of this research are also expected to be applied by Dizayn so that he can compete fairly in the fashion industry which in the future can increase the contribution of the fashion industry to the creative economy sector and do not rule out the possibility of adding jobs.