
Proposed Business Strategy Improvement for Project Management Consulting Form (Study Case: PT ABC)

PT ABC is a service company in the field of project management, established in 2005. It operates with three main businesses: project management training, project management applications, and consultancy services. Project management is a crucial element for executing projects effectively within a company. In various industries, there is a growing demand for knowledge and consultation on how to manage projects efficiently, leading to the emergence of companies specializing in project management consultancy, such as PT ABC, to address these challenges. This research aims to uncover the root problems of the company to identify implementable solutions. Several analyses are employed in this study, including General Environment Analysis, Industry Analysis, and Competitor Analysis for external insights. For internal analysis, resources analysis, value chain analysis, marketing mix, and STP analysis are utilized. The study then progresses to map SWOT analysis and TOWS analysis. From these analyses, weaknesses and strengths of the company are identified, guiding the formulation of appropriate strategies to compete in the market. The research reveals that PT ABC possesses several strengths that have enabled the company to endure over time. Noteworthy strengths include its reputation and a skilled human resource pool in project management, garnering attention in the project management industry. Additionally, the company has a competitive advantage through technological innovation in its application, setting it apart from competitors and providing potential added value when maximized. However, there are areas for improvement, such as refining the application products and establishing a dedicated marketing team to focus on promoting all of PT ABC’s products rather than just one.

Proposed Project Management Maturity: A Study Case of Incinerator Project Delivery in Indonesia

An Indonesian waste treatment plant manufacturer company experienced several issues related to delivery project of the product Incinerator. The issues occurred mainly resulted in the project delay and cost overruns, which potentially impacted negatively to the project success. A company performance of running project can be measured in the form of Project Management Maturity analysis, it is can be interpreted as an organization’s capability to manage projects successfully utilizing a standardized practice that has been improved and enhanced through time. The objectives of this research are to identify the root causes of the business issue, assessing the project management maturity of the company, formulate the proposed solutions, and developing the implementation plan.

The assessment of the maturity level is done based on the PMBOK project management knowledge area that relevant to the business issue, namely Project Risk Management, Project Schedule Management, Project Resource Management, and Project Communications Management. The data analysis of this research involves gap analysis and root cause analysis. An analysis that related to the gaps between the existing condition and the next maturity level is conducted to identify the areas of improvement the company need to address. Furthermore, the root cause analysis is conducted to determine the root causes of the business issues.

The result of the data analysis is then utilized to formulate the proposed solution for improvement and the implementation plan. The proposed solutions in this research are to develop a proper risk management practices and documentation, implement scope management, development of project scheduling, and improvement of project team management regarding the development of resource management and communications management.

The Proposed Improvement to Achieve Maturity from Low Impact Program Management Office – Case: PT Angkasa Pura II

Many Big companies realize the importance of PMO. The word “P” in the PMO can stands as Project, Program or Portfolio, it depends on a company needs. project is establishment of structured process in order to generate particular outputs, program is compilation of several projects while portfolio is compilation of several programs (Tjahjana et al., 2009a). For Angkasa Pura II PMO stands for Program Management, the centralized program management office to take on responsibilities for program related functions and program-related activities.

Web-Based Student Project Management System: A Tetfund Institution-Based Research Report

Students’ final year projects are often characterized by poor quality, duplication of existing works, prolonged research writing and late submission. This TetFund sponsored research project: Web-based Student Project Management System, is designed with the latest technologies to mitigate these challenges. The project is designed to provide continuous, timeless and boundless communication between project coordinators and students, students and their supervisors, as well as students researching in the same field. The project automates routine project activities such as listing and selection of project topics, approval of project topics, project report writing guidelines, student/supervisor correspondence, assessment and report submission, and finally report storage and management. Thus, it will eliminate the duplication and recycling of existing projects by making sure that such projects are rejected automatically at the very point of submission for approval, as well as guarantee high quality and timely completion and submission of students’ projects. Agile software design approach, due to its high degree of stakeholder involvement and incremental testing of functionalities, was deployed to design the project. Also the system was developed using Java programming language with Apache Tomcat Server and MySQL as the Database Management System.