
Product and Pricing Strategy in the Virtual Space Platform: A Case Study of “Vuturist”

Navigating through the dynamic landscape of Virtual Platforms, this study delves into the intricacies of Market Trends and strategic positioning, with a focus on Vuturist, a participant in this competitive sector. The background of the study is anchored in the swift technological progress and shifts in consumer preferences. The research stages involve an in-depth analysis of the market, Vuturist’s offerings, and the strategic implications of emerging trends. TThe primary objective is to furnish strategic recommendations that fortify Vuturist’s sustained growth and relevance in the market.

The methodology encompasses a comprehensive review of market trends, the competitive landscape, and Vuturist’s internal capabilities. The research unveils insights into the demand for customizable virtual spaces and the necessity for Technological Integration. The findings spotlight avenues for Vuturist to enhance its Product Strategy and adapt its Pricing Models to align with market expectations.

This study’s scientific contribution is manifested in its in-depth analysis and strategic recommendations tailored for the virtual platform domain. By addressing the research problem and objectives, and clearly outlining the contributions to the scientific community, the research offers a holistic perspective beneficial not only for Vuturist but also for other stakeholders in the industry.