
Preservation Wayang Timplong in Nganjuk District Indonesia

This research explores the conditions and conservation efforts of Wayang Timplong  in Nganjuk district. Despite its high cultural value, the Timplong style is less in demand than the leather style. The research mapped Wayang Timplong ‘s existence, identified the problems faced, and suggested conservation strategies. Interviews with three of them showed that the lack of innovation and support is a major challenge. Educational and promotional efforts are needed to attract the interest of the younger generation and ensure the sustainability of the Wayang Timplong  in the future. In addition, the study also aims to identify concrete steps that can be taken by governments, cultural communities, and the general public in support of Wayang Timplong  conservation efforts. With a holistic approach that includes education, training, and the use of modern technology, Wayang Timplong  is expected to return to the demand of the wider public, especially the younger generation. The findings of this research are expected to make a significant contribution to the strategy of preserving traditional cultural art in Indonesia, as well as to form the basis for more effective policy adoption in support of the sustainability of Wayang Timplong  and other traditional performing arts.

An Investigation of Fish Processing and Preserving for Socio-Economic Development in North “B” District of Unguja – Zanzibar

This study was conducted in order to investigate fish processing and preserving for socio- economic development in North “B” District Unguja-Zanzibar. The specific objectives were to assess the contribution of fish processing and preserving activities for socio-economic development in North “B” District of Unguja-Zanzibar and to examine the strategies set by the government in promoting fish processing. The target population of the study comprised of District Officers, Fisheries Officers, Shehia Leaders, community members and stockholders. Data was gathered using questionnaires. The study population was 81,675 which and a sample size of 145. The study revealed that, fish processing and preserving contributed to socio-economic development especially in as far as improving the standard of living of the communities. This was at the level of 93 equal to (64.1%), income increased to 48 equal to (33.1%), usage of modern technology was found to be 82 (56.5%), improvement of training and education to the local community and fish folks 62 equal to (42.8%). In general, the benefits contributed to the socio-economic development in Zanzibar. The study revealed that, some of the strategies set by the government were to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation processes, provision of modern technology to the local communities, provision of training and education to the local communities. The study recommended the government to increase more fish processing and preservation in order to increase social economic development. Also the study recommended that, modern technology, monitoring and evaluation; training local communities should be enhanced.