
Predicting a Higher Heating Value for Torrefied Kesambi Leaf Biobriquettes through Ultimate Analysis

The escalating global pursuit of sustainable energy solutions has led to the emergence of biomass-derived fuels, such as biobriquettes, as feasible substitutes for traditional fossil fuels. Kesambi leaves, which are abundant in Southeast Asia and boast a high calorific value, represent a promising prospect for the production of biobriquettes. In this investigation, a conclusive analytical method is employed to construct a predictive framework for estimating the Higher Heating Value (HHV) of torrefied kesambi leaf biobriquettes. By incorporating ash content (PS), volatile matter (BR), carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) percentages, alongside experimental HHV data, through multiple linear regression and elemental composition data acquired from proximal analysis, the model aims to forecast HHV. The model’s modest positive Mean Bias Error (MBE) and satisfactory Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) suggest a good fit. The substantial R-squared value indicates the model’s capability to adeptly capture HHV variability. Ultimately, this approach grounded in fundamental principles contributes significantly to the sustainable exploitation of biomass resources by providing a pragmatic and effective technique for predicting HHV for kesambi leaf biobriquettes.