
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices (KAP) in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Among Selected Asian Countries: A Literature Review

: This literature review examines the landscape of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in selected Asian countries, focusing on knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) among healthcare professionals and the general population. Drawing insights from studies conducted in Bangladesh, Iran, Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines, the review highlights the increasing interest in CAM as a holistic approach to health and well-being. While positive attitudes towards CAM are prevalent, challenges such as knowledge gaps, concerns about evidence, and limited integration into clinical care persist. The review underscores the importance of education, research, and policy interventions to promote the safe and effective use of CAM, enhance healthcare quality, and meet the diverse healthcare needs of populations in the region. Recommendations include investing in educational programs, supporting research initiatives, and raising public awareness to advance healthcare systems’ capacity in integrating CAM practices effectively.

A Comprehensive Literature Review of Marital Dissolution in the Philippines: Legal, Socio-Cultural, and Feasibility Perspectives

This research provides an overview of the topic of annulment and the possibility of divorce in the Philippines. The study used a qualitative approach through case studies to collect and identify experiences and to explore the legal framework of annulment, socio-cultural factors influencing attitudes towards annulment, the impact of annulment on individuals and families, public perceptions and stigmatization, the feasibility of introducing divorce as an alternative, and international practices and case studies of divorce. Defined by Executive Order No. 209, under the Family Code of the Philippines, outlined the grounds for annulment. Due to the country’s predominantly Catholic population, the Philippines’ socio-cultural influences have shaped the attitudes of its fellow citizens towards annulment, with an additional increasing acceptance of divorce as a practical solution. Meanwhile, impact studies show positive and negative consequences on individuals and families, showing that coping mechanisms play a crucial role in reducing difficulties. On the other hand, public perceptions and stigmatization of annulment require further research. Lastly, the feasibility of introducing divorce within the Philippines may encounter challenges due to different factors. Further research on international cases may offer additional insights into the legalization of divorce and managing its social implications. The study highlights the difficulties of ending marriages in the Philippines. The researchers wanted to recommend this work to future researchers conducting a study about divorce and the Philippine system to create support connections and legal reforms to ensure the protection and well-being of individuals and families when going through relationship changes.