
Taxonomic Notes on an Endemic Variety of Portulaca oleracea [Portulacaceae] Found in India is suppose to Promote as Separate Species Portulaca linearifolia

Santapau & Hennery reported  four species of Portulaca found in all over India namely P. oleracea, P. pilosa, P. quadrifida and P. wightiana, among these P. oleracea and P. pilosa further divided in  variety and sub species or race by Sivarajan & Manilal and Geesink respectively. In the present investigation author has experienced that P. oleracea var. linearifloia proposed by Sivarajan & Manilal has adequate amount of different characters right now from habit, morphology, shape and size of leaf, shape of operculum and seed testa characteristics hence, assumed to promote the variety as a separate species under name Portulaca linearifolia (Sivarajan & Manilal) Dheeren Panwar com. nov., rather than the variety of type species.