
Politics of Mining: Ecological and Economic Dynamics in Maluku Utara

The  mining issue in North Maluku Province has become a primary focus, resulting in serious impacts on the economic and investment climate. Challenges related to mining activities include environmental damage, pollution, land conflicts, illegal operations, and licensing issues. The conflict of interest among mining companies, the government, and local communities is worsening over time due to unmet community needs and a shift from protests to resistance. Factors influencing the escalation of conflict include centralization in decision-making regarding mining resources by the government, reducing the participation of local communities in policy processes. Additionally, the lack of concern from mining companies for the welfare of local communities, particularly regarding compensation and social impacts, is also a cause of escalating conflict. This research utilized a descriptive qualitative method. The research findings indicate that community opposition to mining concession policies is caused by neglect of the rights of local communities in terms of compensation, discriminatory treatment in workforce recruitment, and environmental damage post-mining. This underscores the need for holistic and sustainable solutions to resolve mining conflicts in the region, considering the interests of all involved parties.

Three-Term Political Discourse

Presidential elections and political issues in Indonesia are currently experiencing various very significant dynamics. In this case of presidential elections, the people have the right to vote in elections. 2024 is the next democratic year for the people of the Republic of Indonesia because this year the term of office of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2019-2024 period will end or continue until three terms. This is a pro and con by looking at some of the history of other countries in the previous year.  Seeing this phenomenon, researchers are interested in researching and looking at the three-period political discourse in Indonesia. The method used in this article is a literature study whose research object is in the form of literature works, either in the form of scientific journals, books, articles, or pre-existing data. The results of research conducted on the political discourse of the three-term presidential term; researchers draw the conclusion that the discourse on the extension of the presidential term has become a debate. The three-term political discourse gave rise to responses from various parties, both support and rejection, but this is still only in the form of a discourse and there is no certainty.