
Political Knowledge and Involvement in Public Affairs of College Students at St. Paul University Surigao, Philippines

The study is aimed to assess College Students’ Political Knowledge and their Political Involvement in Public Affairs. It was conducted to the 320 college students across all college departments at St. Paul University Surigao, Surigao City, during the second semester of AY 2021-2022.  The study employed a descriptive quantitative survey method. The findings revealed that there is no significant degree of relationship between the students’ Political Knowledge and their Political Involvement which means that the student’s level of political involvement is not dependent on the level of their political knowledge.  Political knowledge in this study is measured according to public policies, political leaders, political processes, and political issues while political involvement is measured from the perspective of voting, public forums, and political activism. Students were rated highly knowledgeable in all dimensions; however, they were rated seldom and not involved in voting, public forum, and political activism.