
The Influence of Work Motivation and Work Environment on Employee Performance at the Labuhan Batu District Education Office with Work Discipline as Intervening Variables

Human resources are very important for companies or government agencies in managing, organizing, and utilizing employees, so that they can function productively to achieve the goals of the company or government institution. Human resources in companies or government institutions need to be managed professionally in order to realize a balance between the needs of employees and the demands and capabilities of the company’s organization. This study aims to determine whether work motivation and work environment affect employee performance through work discipline as an intervening variable at the Labuhanbatu District Education Office. The study was conducted on 61 employees using saturated sampling techniques. The data collection techniques used are primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data obtained through documentation studies. The data analysis technique uses quantitative data processed with the SPSS version 25 program, namely t test, sobel test and path analysis. The results obtained in this study show that 1) there is a significant influence between work motivation on work discipline, 2) there is a significant influence between work environment variables on work discipline, 3) there is a significant influence between work motivation variables on performance, 4) there is a significant influence between work environment variables on performance, 5) there is a significant influence between work discipline variables on performance,  6) work discipline variables cannot affect work motivation variables to performance, 7) work discipline variables cannot affect work environment variables to performance.

The Influence of Leadership Style and Organizational Culture on Performance at The Education Office of the Labuhan Batu District with Competence as an Intervening Variable

Performance appraisal is an important need to be able to measure the extent of the progress and development of the organization, whether it is in line with the process of change that occurs in its internal human resources. This performance assessment cannot stand alone, but is related to the formation of strategies that lead to the achievement of the vision, mission and goals of the organization, for this reason it is necessary to find opportunities for the organization to make improvements and innovations through the formation of a strategy. This study aims to determine whether leadership style and organizational culture affect employee performance through competence as an intervening variable at the Labuhanbatu Regency Education Office. The results obtained in this study indicate 1) there is a significant influence between leadership style on competence, 2) there is a significant influence between organizational culture variables on competence, 3) there is a significant influence between leadership style variables on performance, 4) there is a significant influence between organizational culture variables on performance, 5) there is a significant influence between competency variables on performance, 6) competency variables cannot influence leadership style variables on performance, 7) competency variables can influence organizational culture variables on performance.

The Effect of Supervision and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior at The Body District Region Revenue Labuhan Batu

Human resources are one of the most determining factors for the success or failure of an organization in achieving its goals, both public and private organizations. Every company needs employees who have high performance in achieving goals. To make employees have high performance, companies must pay attention to the expectations and needs of employees in order to make optimal contributions to the company. This study aims to determine whether supervision and job satisfaction affect employee performance through ocb as an intervening variable at the Regional Revenue Agency of Labuhanbatu Regency. The study was conducted on 52 employees using a saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used was primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data obtained through documentation studies. Data analysis techniques used quantitative data processed with the SPSS version 25 program. The results obtained in this study show 1) there is an insignificant effect between supervision on ocb 2) there is an insignificant effect between job satisfaction variables on ocb 3) there is an insignificant effect between monitoring variables on performance, 4) there is a significant effect between job satisfaction variables on performance, 5) there is no significant effect between the ocb variable on performance, 6) the ocb variable can affect monitoring variables on performance, 7) the ocb variable can affect job satisfaction variables on performance.

The Influence of Competence and Training on Performance in the Education Department of Labuh batu District with Motivation as Intervening Variables

Employee performance is a measure of how human resources in a company have played a role or not in the progress of the organization. The potential of well-performing human resources determines the success of the company. To achieve the best performance, of course, it is necessary to have directed management of human resources through various policies that can adjust the common interests of employees and the company. This study aims to determine whether competency and training affect employee performance through motivation as an intervening variable at the Labuhanbatu District Education Office. The study was conducted on 61 employees using a saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used was primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data obtained through documentation studies. The data analysis technique used quantitative data which was processed using the SPSS version 25 program, namely the t test, Sobel test and path analysis. The results obtained in this study show 1) there is a significant influence between competence on motivation, 2) there is a significant effect between training variables on motivation, 3) there is a significant effect between competency variables on performance, 4) there is a significant effect between training variables on performance, 5) there is a significant influence between motivational variables on performance, 6) motivational variables cannot affect competency variables on performance, 7) motivational variables cannot influence training variables on performance.

The Influence of Work and Communication Facilities on Employee Performance at The Education Department of Labuhan Batu with Motivation as an Intervening Variable

Employee performance is an indicator of the successful operation of government institutions in achieving their goals. The emergence of achievement is influenced by several driving factors, both from outside the individual and from within the individual. Employee performance greatly determines the progress of a government agency. The performance of each employee can be measured by looking at the quantity and quality of work that has been done. Performance is a very important thing in an organization’s efforts to achieve goals. This study aims to determine whether work and communication facilities affect employee performance through motivation as an intervening variable at the Labuhanbatu District Education Office. The study was conducted on 61 employees using a saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used was primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data obtained through documentation studies. The data analysis technique used quantitative data which was processed using the SPSS version 25 program, namely the t test, Sobel test and path analysis. The results obtained in this study show 1) there is a significant effect between work facilities on motivation, 2) there is a significant effect between communication variables on motivation, 3) there is a significant effect between work facilities variables on performance, 4) there is a significant effect between communication variables on performance, 5) there is a significant influence between motivational variables on performance, 6) motivational variables can affect work facilities variables on performance, 7) motivational variables can affect communication variables on performance.

Designing Performance Appraisal Using Balanced Scorecard Methods for PT Talenta Indonesia Raya

The Balanced Scorecard concept is a comprehensive instrument that requires each organizational unit to modify its actions in order to meet goals while establishing a company plan. (Benková, Gallo, Balogová, & Nemec, 2020) . Individual business units in organizations must identify their metrics in order to connect the four BSC key views. These views include the financial perspective, customer perspective, the internal process perspective, the learning and growth perspective.The primary goal of the Balanced Scorecard idea is to ensure that the firm is managed in the future rather than in the past in order to ensure its long-term survival. The goal of this study is provide an overview of the existing situation, determine the suitable solution, and to design the suitable Performance Management System (PMS) for PT Talenta Indonesia Raya. In this study, the PMS was created using the Balanced Scorecard method where the company’s objectives and assessments are carried out not only from one perspective but from four different perspectives in order to create organizational balance; namely Financial Perspective, Customer Perspective, Internal Process Perspective, and Learning and Growth Perspective. This study using primary and secondary data, which is the survey conducted on 46 employee of Talenta Indonesia and the interview for 3 employees. The overall performance of the company is sufficient, but it is still below the company’s expectations and still has many rooms for improvement. This value is obtained from the results of 60% (Need Development) on the Financial Perspective, 81.33% (Fair) on the Customer Perspective, 87% (Good) on the Intermal Business Process Perspective, and 96.67% (Excellent) on Learning and Growth Perspectives.

The Impact of Spiritual, Social, And Emotional Intelligence on the Performance of SMEs in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are an important part of the economic system in Indonesia, this can be seen from the number compared to large-scale industrial enterprises. SMEs in their position have advantages compared to large-scale businesses, one of the advantages is being able to absorb more labor and accelerate the process of equitable development. However, currently, SMEs are experiencing problems in achieving better performance. These obstacles do not only come from within the SMEs organization but also from outside. Internal factors are factors that come from the work environment such as organizational culture, attitudes, and actions of colleagues as well as the organizational structure of the SMEs. Internal factors include intelligence it has, there are several bits of intelligence in humans, including emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and spiritual intelligence. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of spiritual intelligence, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence on SMEs actors during the Covid-19 period. This research is a quantitative study with a population of small and medium enterprises. The sampling method is purposive sampling, which was conducted using 90 samples. The approach of data analysis with multiple linear regression. The tool used is a regression with IBM SPSS 25 software. The results showed that spiritual intelligence, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence affected the performance of SMEs during the Covid-19 period.

E-Commerce and Environmental Uncertainty Adoption in Strengthening Financial Literature on the Performance of MSMEs in the Culinary Sector in Solo

This study has purpose (1) to analyse the effect of financial literacy on the performance of MSMEs. (2) to analyse the effect of financial literacy on the performance of MSMEs moderated by e-commerce adoption. (3) to analyse the effect of financial literacy on the performance of MSMEs moderated by environmental uncertainty. The quantitative descriptive approach was used in this study, which included 175 SMEs in the culinary sector in Solo. Data sources were acquired from primary sources utilizing a closed questionnaire technique, and the measurement scale was a 5-point Likert scale. The Pearson Correlation and Cronbach Alpha tests are used to assess the data’s quality. The data analysis technique used regression analysis with the Absolute Difference test approach, after first performing the traditional assumption test. The results of the study show (1) Financial literacy has a significant effect on the performance of MSMEs in the culinary sector in Solo City. (2) E-commerce can moderate the influence of financial literacy on the performance of MSMEs in the culinary sector in Solo City. (3) Environmental uncertainty cannot moderate the influence of financial literacy on the performance of MSMEs in the culinary sector in Solo City.

Factors That Influence the Performance of Saving and Loan Cooperatives in the Banyumas Residency Area with the Quality of Financial Statements as Intervening Variables

This study aims to analyze AIS, leadership competency, and internal control system’s influence on performance with the quality of financial statements as an intervening variable. The research target is savings and loan cooperatives in the Banyumas Residency area (Banyumas, Purbalingga, Cilacap, and Banjarnegara). The samples were 110 savings and loan cooperatives. The data collection method was filling out questionnaires. Respondents in this study were leaders/managers from each saving and loan cooperative. The data analysis technique used is SEM PLS, including the outer model and inner model steps. The results of this study indicate that the use of AIS, leadership competency, and internal control system have a positive and significant effect on report quality. Then the internal control system and the quality of the financial statement have a positive and significant influence on performance. However, the use of AIS has a negative impact on performance and leadership competency does not affect performance. The results of the intervening variable test show that the quality of the financial statement is proven as the mediator, so the use of AIS, leadership competency, and internal control system have a positive and significant effect on performance. This research implies that savings and loan cooperatives can improve performance by maximizing the use of AIS, having competent leaders, optimizing the internal control system function, and improving the quality of financial statements.

Public Service Performance Accountability: Case Study at Surabaya Zoo, Indonesia

The importance of accountability in the performance of public services greatly affects the trust and competence of the organization, especially PDTS Surabaya Zoo. This study aims to describe, interpret, and analyse the accountability of public service performance and analyse the accountability model of public service performance at the Surabaya Zoo. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. There are 4 types of accountabilities used to answer the research formulation, namely bureaucratic, political, professional, and legal accountability.