
Designing a Performance Management Strategy to Retain Employees in an IT Consulting Startup

In today’s competitive business environment, attracting and retaining top talent is a significant challenge. Developing an excellent employer branding strategy that aligns with an effective performance management strategy is critical to achieving these objectives. Regular performance appraisal is one measure that can enhance employee engagement by providing clarity about roles and responsibilities. Indonesia is expected to face a talent shortage of about nine million skilled and semi-skilled professionals between 2018 and 2030. Retaining top employees is crucial, and factors such as compensation, development opportunities, collaboration, workload, and feedback are critical to employee performance. A proposed performance management strategy for the IT Consulting Startup includes developing performance objectives, differentiated compensation, and regular feedback. By implementing these recommendations, the startup can retain top talent, create a positive workplace culture, and drive organizational success.

Perceived Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employee Productivity in Selected Hotels in Ethiopia’s Capital City Addis Ababa in Bole Sub City

The aim of the study was to assess the effect of performance appraisal variables on employee productivity at some selected hotels from the capital city of Ethiopia Addis Ababa city, Bole sub-city. The study used a descriptive and explanatory research design and a mixed research approach.  The study used both primary and secondary sources of data, questionnaires, and interview tools, and the data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics overall, an employee of a selected hotel and a sub-city were units of observation for the study. The finding of the study reveals the relationship between independent variables (work-life, employee benefit, organization policy, performance appraisal process, workplace interaction, and effective leadership) and dependent variable employee performance. Therefore, with regard to this model, the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is strong with 0.644(R). The R Square number of 0.414 means about a 41.4% increase in employee productivity is accounted for by the variables in the model while the remaining 58.6 % is accounted for by other factors not captured by the model. The study result demonstrated that five out of six independent variables (organization policy, effective leadership, employee benefit, workplace interaction, performance appraisal, and work-life balance) were significantly related to productivity among employees. However, only performance appraisal failed to show a significant relationship with employee productivity. The result indicated that the independent variables for the study such as organization policy, effective leadership, employee benefit, performance appraisal, workplace interaction, and work-life balance have a positive relationship with employee productivity. Thus, hiring competent expertise, designing reward and recognition schemes, sustain appraisal schemes are the forwarded recommendations by the researcher.

Assessment of Performance Appraisal in Visakhapatnam Port Trust (VPT)

Once the employee has been selected, trained and motivated, he is then appraised for his performance. Performance appraisal is the step where the management finds out how effective it has been at hiring and placing employees. Thus, teachers evaluate the performance of students, bankers evaluate the performance of creditors, parents evaluate the behavior of their children and all of us consciously or unconsciously evaluate our own actions from time to time. In social interactions, performance is considered a systematic and planned manner to achieve widespread popularity in recent years.

Performance appraisal is essential to understand and improve the employee’s appraisal. It was viewed that performance appraisal was useful to decide upon employee promotion/transfer salary determination and the like. But the recent development in human resources management, it indicates the levels of desired performance levels, of actual performance in gap between this two. This gap should be bridged through human resources development techniques like training, executive development etc., For the main asset is employees according to the employee’s performance the production, sale is happened to the organization according to that the profit and growth of the organization is increased or decreased for that the employee performance is most important. The employee performance is known by performance evaluation only.

In other words, performance appraisal can be defined as the systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to their performance on the job and their potential development and his or her judgments, targets achieved by him or her, etc. The study aimed to investigate the assessment of performance appraisal is given to the employees working in the Visakhapatnam port trust.