
The Impact of Perceived Value and Attitude towards Purchase Intention at Sambel Branding Restaurant

Sambal is a traditional Indonesian spice that has been an essential component of Indonesian cuisine for centuries. Today, it is considered a staple spice in all Indonesian dishes. The popularity of sambal has attracted many new restaurants of varying scales to enter the spicy food market and utilize the “Sambel” brand as their restaurant attraction. Jakarta, which is one of the eight primary cities in Indonesia, ranks fourth with the most restaurant dine-in visits in 2022. As per the data provided by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), there are 6,780 restaurant units in Indonesia of medium to large scale. Jakarta secures the top spot as the province with the most medium-scale restaurants in Indonesia, with 3,062 units in 2021. Sambel Korek DNO is one of the dining places in Jakarta with the Sambel, the central outlet is located in Sumur Batu Kemayoran. This establishment is the highest contributor to the sales of Sambel Korek DNO as compared to other establishments. The significant consumption levels of Jakartans and their fondness for spicy cuisine drive new entries to launch their street food stalls, small establishments, and restaurants under the Sambel brand, causing an increase in competition. However, the sales of DNO Korek Sambal did not meet the target this year due to a decline in the number of customers dining at this outlet. This could be attributed to low brand awareness, as many other eateries also use the “Sambel” branding. Additionally, customers’ perception of quality may be influenced by the similarity in offerings with other major players in the “Sambel” market, such as Waroeng SS and Sambal Bakar Indonesia. This research wants to analyze whether perceived value and attitude could mediate brand awareness and perceived quality toward purchase intention for potential customers and existing customers. This research is conducted using SPSS and PLS-SEM. Resulting that Attitude has no mediating effects on brand awareness and perceived quality towards purchase intention. However, perceived quality has mediating effects on brand awareness and perceived quality towards attitude, which has a significant influence on purchase intention.

The Influence of Interactivity and Ephemerality of Instagram Advertisements in Shaping Perceived Value and Behavioral Intention

Instagram stands out as a prominent platform, offering companies a valuable space to promote their offerings to a vast and diverse audience. To capture consumer interest, Instagram advertisements now incorporate innovative interactive features and ephemeral effects, enhancing their appeal and engagement. The objective of this study is to examine the influence of interactivity and ephemerality of instagram advertisements in shaping perceived value and behavioral intention. A quantitative research approach was employed in this study. Data from 239 participants were gathered through an online survey and analyzed utilizing SmartPLS 3.2.9 software employing Structural Equation Modeling. The findings indicate that the interactivity and ephemerality of Instagram Stories advertisements significantly influence three types of perceived value such as utilitarian, hedonic, and social value among female consumers of the fashion brand HeyLocal. Furthermore, these perceived values motivate positive behavioral intentions such as the intention towards social media activities, online search, and brand purchase. In contrast to social value, it was found that utilitarian and hedonic value do not directly impact brand purchase. In addition, our research revealed that consumers’ purchase decisions can be reinforced through their engagement in social media activities and online information search.

The Influence of Critical Success Factors of Innovative Insurance Product Development Concept Test towards Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study of Millennials and Generation Z as Target Market in Indonesia

The insurance industry faces numerous challenges, including intensifying competition, shifting customer expectations, and disruptive technological advancements. To navigate these challenges successfully, insurance companies must embrace innovation in product development. This approach enables them to meet the evolving needs of customers, adapt to market changes, and deliver greater value to their clientele. In Indonesia specifically, insurance companies face the considerable challenge of low insurance penetration, which has remained stagnant over the past five years from 2017 to 2021 (AAJI, 2022). Furthermore, insurance literacy and inclusion levels are alarmingly low, standing at only 19.40% and 13.15%, respectively, significantly below the Indonesian averages of 38.03% and 76.19% (OJK, 2019). Considering these challenges, PT Delta Echo Lima Insurance (placebo name and hereinafter named “DELI”) aims to address these issues by developing innovative, customer-centric insurance products and aspires to launch a ground-breaking insurance concept in Indonesia targeting Millennials and Generation Z. This research focuses on analyzing the characteristics of the target market and examining the correlation between critical success factors as key dimensions of the concept test for innovative insurance products and their influence on perceived innovation, perceived value, perceived price, and purchase intention. Additionally, an overall relationship model is established to provide a comprehensive understanding of the interconnections between these variables. To gather data, a quantitative approach was employed, utilizing questionnaires as the primary research instrument. The aim was to collect responses from two distinct groups of participants: Millennials and Generation Z. The collected data was then processed using the SmartPLS 3.0 software application, enabling the application of Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS SEM) analysis to derive insights and draw conclusions. This research provides valuable insights into the influence of critical success factors of innovative insurance product development concept tests on various aspects, including perceived innovation, perceived value, perceived price, and purchase intention among Millennials and Generation Z. The findings shed light on the unique characteristics of these target markets and highlight the significance of perceived value in driving customers’ purchase intentions. By understanding these dynamics, insurance companies like PT DELI can better tailor their product development strategies to effectively cater to the needs and preferences of Millennials and Generation Z while addressing the challenges and opportunities within the Indonesian insurance industry.