
Long–Term Results of Pylorus–Preserving Duodenoplasty in the Surgical Treatment of Perforated Duodenal Ulcers

The authors analyzed the results of surgical treatment of 479 patients with pyloroduodenal ulcer (PDU). Of these, 381 (79.5%) made up the main group (who underwent excision of the PDU with pylorus–preserving duodenoplasty), and 98 (20.5%) – the comparison group, i.e. control (underwent excision of PDU with pylorus–destroying pyloroduodenoplasty). In the long term after the operations performed, 310 patients were studied after excision of the PDU with pylorus–sparing PD and 82 after PDP with destruction of the integrity of the pylorus sphincter. As a result of optimization of surgical tactics and widespread use of techniques and techniques for excision of PDU with pylorus–sparing DP, excellent and good results in the main group were found in 87.7% of patients (in the control group – 64.4%). Satisfactory results in 12 (3.9%) and 9 (11.0%) patients, respectively. At the same time, unsatisfactory results decreased by 7.1% (in the control group – in 11.0%, in the study group – in 3.9%). Thus, the authors, through the widespread use of techniques and techniques for excision of PDU with pylorus–sparing PD with optimization of surgical tactics, have improved the long–term results of surgical treatment in this pathology.