
Pathological Study of Rare Case of Duodenal Leiomyosarcoma in a Labrador Dog

The leiomyosarcoma is a tumor of mesenchymal origin of smooth, malignant, slow-growing muscles. The present study reports a case of duodenal leiomyosarcoma in Labrador dog. A 6 year old black female Labrador dog with history off feed, vomition and melena brought for necropsy examination. Gross lesions revealed tennis ball size tumorus mass at the initial portion of duodenum resulting into the obstruction of intestinal lumen. Microscopically, duodenum with tumours mass revealed smooth muscle bundles arranged in all the directions having elongated blunt ended nuclei along with numerous blood vessels and mitotic figure which is indicative of leiomyosarcoma.

Pathology and Molecular Detection of Avian Colibacilosis in Commercial Chickens of Nagpur Region

E. coli is one of the most important pathogenic agent affecting chickens which costs the poultry industry resulting into high economic losses due to increased mortality. During present study, mortality due to Colibacillosis in nine commercial chicken flocks belonging to Nagpur region of Maharashtra was noticed. Characteristic lesions perihepatitis, pericarditis, air saculitis and pneumonia were observed. Pink colonies on MLA, metallic sheen on EMB confirmed the E. coli infection. Clinical samples of liver collected from nine commercial chicken flocks were further con­firmed as E. coli. by PCR amplification of 500bp of ecp gene. Pathological lesions, cultural characteristics along with PCR amplification of ecp gene confirmed E. coli infection in commercial chickens.