
Practices and Challenges of Change Management in the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court

The current study examined the practice and challenges of change management in the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court. This study adopted a descriptive design with a mixed approach. The objective of the study is to describe the practice, attitudes, and challenges of employees and leaders in the Federal Supreme Court. Primary data was collected by using a questionnaire and interview on the other hand, secondary data was collected from unpublished materials like reports and manuals of the court. 204 respondents who properly completed and returned the questionaries and five interviewed leaders are involved as sources of data. In order to select respondents, a simple random sampling technique was used. The analysis and summary of findings reflected major practices of change management, perception, and challenges of employees. The organization faces many challenges in the implementation of change management among these, a lack of knowledge about change management, employee resistance, insufficient employee participation in training, and the change management process is the main. The study concludes that the change held in the organization is not satisfactory. It is recommended that for Federal Supreme Court become more successful participate employees in the change management process to reduce challenges and in order to achieve its goal.

Proposed Stress Management Strategies to Accelerate Organizational Change at Greeneration Foundation: A Change Management Approach

Nowadays, climate change and other forms of environmental degradation area among defining challenges at present. Moreover, these several things are not only experienced in Indonesia, as well as other countries experiencing the same problem. To overcome the existing problems, of course, there needs to be joint synergies from all elements of society and the government to answer them. Greeneration Foundation (GF) as a a member of Indonesian Philanthropy aims to advance philanthropy and contribute to the goals of social justice and sustainable development in Indonesia. In 2022, the Greeneration Foundation is rearranging and consolidating its business foundations, product research and development, and business ideas based on funding sources coming from the individuals themselves. Furthermore, this changing of organization foundations doesn’t mean it doesn’t cause problems for the employee at Greeneration Foundation. Meanwhile, in undergoing these changes not all individual organizations are able to adapt or cope with the changes made, so of course there are impacts felt by individuals such as tension or stress. Therefore, the authors conducted research related to the correlation of work stress and organizational changes carried out by the Greeneration Foundation to serve as evaluation material for the Greeneration Foundation. This research was conducted on Greeneration Foundation employees with the aim of knowing the correlation between work stress and organizational changes faced by employees at Greeneration Foundation. In this study the authors collected data using a questionnaire with a total sample of 30 respondents and used a type of sample that is saturated sample. The data analysis technique used is quantitative analysis with the linear regression method using the help of the IBM SPSS Statistics program. Based on the results of the research conducted, it shows a level of work stress of 59.0% and organizational change of 68.0% which is in a fairly high category. Based on the following results, work stress and organizational change have a positive and significant correlation with a correlation value of 63.9%. Based on this research, the high level of work stress certainly has the potential to become even higher if proper management is not carried out, especially in the individual and organizational aspects. So that the Greeneration Foundation needs to manage the stress level of employees in order to accelerate organizational changes.