
Analysis of Supply Chain Management Practices in Stevedoring Business to Improve Operational Performance at PT Kutai Jaya Pundinusa

PT Kutai Jaya Pundinusa (KJP) operates in the dynamic and competitive stevedoring industry, leveraging on its established brand, skilled workforce, strong operational strategy, and certifications such as ISO. This research explores new competitive dimensions for KJP through thematic analysis, PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces, and SWOT analysis. Using a qualitative research design, including in-depth interviews with internal and external stakeholders, the research identified opportunities and challenges facing KJP. The proposed vision is to become a leading and innovative stevedoring company by embracing digital transformation and sustainable practices. The key strategies proposed include improving operational efficiency, digital transformation, human resource development, expanding market reach, and strengthening customer relationships. The programmes formulated include process mapping, adoption of new technologies, employee training, market research, strategic partnerships, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. The study also emphasised the importance of overcoming internal challenges such as reliance on manual processes, high dependence on key suppliers and customers, and resistance to change among senior employees. Recommendations include investment in advanced digital technologies, exploration of new markets, and promotion of sustainable practices to ensure long-term growth and competitiveness in the stevedoring industry. By aligning strategic objectives with the proposed vision, KJP aims to successfully navigate the competitive landscape and achieve sustainable growth.

The Bottom-Line Choice: Lease vs. Buy – A Business Owner’s Guide

This comprehensive guide navigates businesses through the intricate decision-making process of leasing versus buying, addressing the pivotal capital conundrum they face. The framework begins with a meticulous financial fitness check, evaluating cash flow, budget constraints, and long-term projections. Exploring various types of leases provides a nuanced understanding of leasing advantages, from flexibility to off-balance sheet financing. Conversely, ownership’s power is analysed, emphasizing control, stability, and long-term value creation. The guide integrates risk mitigation strategies for both options, emphasizing the importance of negotiating favourable terms and conducting due diligence. As businesses stand at the crossroads, this guide serves as a strategic compass, empowering informed decisions aligned with financial goals, operational needs, and sustained success in the dynamic business landscape.


Green Human and Operational Capital on Operational Efficiency: The Role of Green Intellectual Capital

This study investigates the relationship between green human capital, green operational capital, green intellectual capital, and organisational operational efficiency. It also investigates the function of green intellectual capital in moderating these interactions. Green human capital relates to individuals’ environmental knowledge and abilities, whereas green operational capital refers to the physical resources and technologies that support sustainable operations. Green intellectual capital refers to an organisation’s collective environmental knowledge, innovative thinking, and capacities. The study emphasises the interdependence of these variables and their impact on operational efficiency. Green intellectual capital, it is discovered, mediates the linkages between green human capital and operational efficiency, as well as green operational capital and operational efficiency. The findings highlight the necessity of cultivating a sustainable culture and investing in developing green resources and competencies to improve operational efficiency. This study adds to the body of knowledge on green management and offers useful insights for organisations seeking to establish sustainable operational practices and competitive advantages.