
Communication on Website and Some Notes When Using

With the development of mobile devices, the reception habits of the media public have changed. Media companies, individuals, businesses, etc. always promote communication activities on digital platforms, especially social networking platforms. However, an indispensable basic platform in the development of multimedia communication in the digital age is website communication. Although this communication method was first born since the appearance of the internet, today it is still considered a long-term communication path. Therefore, to communicate effectively on the website, communicators are required to grasp the advantages, limitations and notes when implementing communication using this method.

Social Media and Some Notes When Using

The world currently exists, moves and develops as a “flat world”, which is both unified, contradictory, cooperative and struggling. Participating in that process is the great role of the mass media, which is now the power of multimedia and, more specifically, social media. Thanks to the exploitation and application of outstanding achievements of information technology, social media exists on digital platforms with many faces. However, besides the outstanding advantages compared to other types of multimedia communication, social media also has disadvantages that users need to be aware of when using. The article is going to investigate the relationship between social media and social networks. Besides, a number of advantages and disadvantages of social media are also indicated clearly, which serves as the basis for the author to propose certain measures to improve the social network environment as well as reduce inconvenience to users. In the article, the Code of Conduct on social networks promulgated by the Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam is analyzed to help users to be aware of ethical standards of behavior on social networks as well as maintain and develop personal freedom, business freedom, and non-discriminatory service providers at home and abroad, contributing to building a safe and healthy social network in Vietnam.