
The Motivations of Non-English Major Students: A Case Study at a Private University in Ho Chi Minh City

Motivation is considered as attitudes toward the teacher, students, coursework, curriculum-related activities, and all other elements of the state in which a language is taught. This definition of motivation in language learning emphasizes that it is a complex concept because motivation is not only the cognitive attitude of the learner but also related to many other factors, such as teachers, curriculum, and other elements of the learning environment (Gardner, 1985). This study aims to identify the motivations of second-year non-English major students at a private university in Ho Chi Minh City and the factors that significantly influence their learning motivation. Data were collected from 200 students through a questionnaire, which was developed based on the results of group interviews with 10 students. The research applied a mix-methods approach. The findings indicate that extrinsic motivation strongly influences students’ language learning, with factors as job opportunity, learning environment, and teaching method having a positive impact. Based on these findings, the study proposes strategies to leverage extrinsic motivation to enhance students’ learning outcomes.

Do Instructional Strategies Impact Students’ Situational Interests in Learning Mathematics? A Case Study of Secondary School Students in Guyana

This experimental study investigates which instructional strategies are effective in promoting situational interest in learning mathematics among secondary school students. This research study builds on established theories of interest and mathematics education. Situational interest is an important facet of learning engagement, and it can potentially enhance students’ interest and motivation in class.  A total of 165 students were engaged in this study, selected from three diverse secondary schools in Georgetown, Guyana, encompassing different grade levels and varying motivating profiles. This study employed a quantitative research design, providing a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between instructional strategies and situational interest. Participants were given a carefully constructed questionnaire that entails questions about their level of situational interest and their perceptions of various instructional strategies used in their mathematics classroom. Results suggested visual aids, inquiry-based learning, and collaborative learning are most effective in promoting situational interest. These findings highlight the interplay between pedagogical approaches and students’ motivation, and how closely connected they are. This emphasizes the importance of using teaching strategies that align with students’ interests and needs.


The Influence of Work Motivation and Organizational Culture on Performance Mediated by Work Discipline of Employees of the One Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service, Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan Province

The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the significant influence of motivation, organizational culture on work discipline, significant influence of motivation and organizational culture on employee performance, significant influence of work discipline on employee performance, analyze work discipline mediate work motivation on performance and analyze work discipline mediate culture organization on the performance of employees of the Investment Service and One Stop Integrated Service in Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan Province. In this study, data analysis and hypothesis testing were carried out using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis with the SmartPLS 3.0 application. The results of the study show that there is an influence of organizational culture and motivation on employee work discipline, there is no influence of motivation and organizational culture on performance, there is an influence of work discipline on performance, work discipline does not mediate the influence of motivation on employee performance of the Regency Investment and One-Stop Service Office. Tapin.

The Influence of Education, Training, and Leadership on Employee Careers with Motivation as an Intervening Variable at the Department of Social Affairs, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, as well as Community and Village Empowerment in Balangan Regency

One crucial factor in human resource management is employee career development. The significance of the human resources role in achieving organizational goals must be balanced and supported by clear career paths to motivate employees to deliver excellent work performance for the advancement of the organization, considering factors such as education level, work experience, competence, commitment, loyalty, motivation, and employee performance. This research aims to determine the influence of education, training, and leadership on employee careers with motivation as an intervening variable at the Department of Social Affairs, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, as well as Community and Village Empowerment in Balangan Regency.

This study employs a quantitative research method with a population of 52 individuals using a saturation sampling technique. Path analysis processed with SPSS is used for data analysis. The research results indicate that education, training, and leadership do not have a significant influence on employee motivation. Education, training, and motivation do not significantly affect employee careers. Leadership has a significant influence on employee careers. Leadership, through motivation as an intervening variable, has a significant impact on the careers of employees at the Department of Social Affairs, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, as well as Community and Village Empowerment in Balangan Regency.

The Effect of Human Resource Training and Development on Increasing Employee Performance with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable

This research aims to determine the effect of training and human resource development on improving employee performance with work motivation as an intervening variable at CIMB Niaga Kediri Branch. This research uses quantitative research methods because the research data is in the form of numbers and analyzed using statistics and meets scientific principles, namely concrete, objective, measurable, rational and systematic. The population in this study were 200 employees who worked at the financial institution CIMB Niaga Kediri Branch. Meanwhile, the sample was 67 respondents. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis method is descriptive analysis and Partial Least Square (PLS). From the results of this research it can be concluded that: (1) Based on data processing carried out by researchers through the bootstrapping method, training has a significant positive effect on employee performance. (2) Based on data processing carried out by researchers using the bootstrapping method, there is a significant positive influence between human resource development variables on improving the quality of employee performance. (3) Based on data processing carried out by researchers using the bootstrapping method, there is a significant positive influence between training and motivation. (4) Based on data processing carried out by researchers using the bootstrapping method, there is a significant positive influence between human resource development variables on motivation. (5) Based on data processing carried out by researchers using the bootstrapping method, there is a significant positive influence between motivation variables on performance. employee. (6) The relationship between training and improving the quality of employee performance is mediated by the motivation variable with a significant positive effect. (7) The relationship between human resource development and improving the quality of employee performance is mediated by the motivation variable with a significant positive effect.

The Influence of Competence and Training on Performance in the Education Department of Labuh batu District with Motivation as Intervening Variables

Employee performance is a measure of how human resources in a company have played a role or not in the progress of the organization. The potential of well-performing human resources determines the success of the company. To achieve the best performance, of course, it is necessary to have directed management of human resources through various policies that can adjust the common interests of employees and the company. This study aims to determine whether competency and training affect employee performance through motivation as an intervening variable at the Labuhanbatu District Education Office. The study was conducted on 61 employees using a saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used was primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data obtained through documentation studies. The data analysis technique used quantitative data which was processed using the SPSS version 25 program, namely the t test, Sobel test and path analysis. The results obtained in this study show 1) there is a significant influence between competence on motivation, 2) there is a significant effect between training variables on motivation, 3) there is a significant effect between competency variables on performance, 4) there is a significant effect between training variables on performance, 5) there is a significant influence between motivational variables on performance, 6) motivational variables cannot affect competency variables on performance, 7) motivational variables cannot influence training variables on performance.

The Influence of Work and Communication Facilities on Employee Performance at The Education Department of Labuhan Batu with Motivation as an Intervening Variable

Employee performance is an indicator of the successful operation of government institutions in achieving their goals. The emergence of achievement is influenced by several driving factors, both from outside the individual and from within the individual. Employee performance greatly determines the progress of a government agency. The performance of each employee can be measured by looking at the quantity and quality of work that has been done. Performance is a very important thing in an organization’s efforts to achieve goals. This study aims to determine whether work and communication facilities affect employee performance through motivation as an intervening variable at the Labuhanbatu District Education Office. The study was conducted on 61 employees using a saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used was primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data obtained through documentation studies. The data analysis technique used quantitative data which was processed using the SPSS version 25 program, namely the t test, Sobel test and path analysis. The results obtained in this study show 1) there is a significant effect between work facilities on motivation, 2) there is a significant effect between communication variables on motivation, 3) there is a significant effect between work facilities variables on performance, 4) there is a significant effect between communication variables on performance, 5) there is a significant influence between motivational variables on performance, 6) motivational variables can affect work facilities variables on performance, 7) motivational variables can affect communication variables on performance.

The Influence of Leadership Style, Supervisory and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance through Motivation as an Intervening Variable (Descriptive Study of Quantitative Analysis of Employee Performance at the Education and Culture Office of Serang Regency)

Based on the results of observations, that the level of absenteeism is still low, employee absences continue to increase every year, especially for the criteria for absences, sick, late and going home. This shows that the leadership is less than optimal in supervising its employees, it is found that there are still many employees who do not come to work due to permits, illness and are late for work and even go home early. Based on the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 53 of 2010 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants Article 3 Point 11 which states that entering work and obeying the provisions of working hours. As a result, employees do not complete the work and often make mistakes over and over again. The purpose of this study in general is to analyze and describe the significant direct or indirect positive influence of leadership style, supervision and organizational culture on employee performance through motivation as an intervening variable. The research method used is to use path analysis (Part Analysis) to determine the direct or indirect effect of the variables studied. It is then used to analyze the extent to which the work motivation variable is able to mediate an increase in the quality of management information systems to improve employee performance and to what extent the work motivation variable is able to mediate the effect of leadership style on improving the performance of the Serang Regency Education and Culture Office Employees. The results obtained after the research was carried out were: 1) Based on the calculation results of SPSS v.25 Beta value due to the direct influence of leadership style on performance β = 0.000 the indirect effect of motivational mediating factors on the influence of leadership style on the performance of the employees of the Education and Culture Office of Serang Regency obtained value of β = 0.215. The comparison of the value of direct effect is smaller than the value of indirect effect which causes work motivation to be able to mediate the influence of leadership style on employee performance. 2). Based on the calculation results of SPSS v.25 Beta value due to the direct influence of supervision on performance β = 0.155. the indirect effect of the mediating motivational factor on the influence of supervision on the performance of the employees of the Department of Education and Culture of Serang Regency obtained the value of β = -0.046. Comparison of the value of direct effect is greater than the value of indirect effect which causes motivation to be unable to mediate the effect of supervision on employee performance. 3). Based on the calculation results of SPSS v.25 Beta value due to the direct influence of organizational culture on performance β = 0.000. the indirect effect of the mediating motivational factor on the influence of organizational culture on the performance of the employees of the Department of Education and Culture of Serang Regency obtained the value of β = 0.243. Comparison of values ​​direct effect is smaller than value indirect effect that causes motivation to be able to mediate the influence of organizational culture on employee performance.

Motivational Young Entrepreneur’s Personal Branding on Instagram: A Modest Crazy Rich Asian

Individuals’ personal branding in social media convey meaning with particular signification. Interpretation of the image could rebuild and strengthen an individual’s public persona. Putri Tanjung, the CEO of a creative business has carried values as a young inspirational entrepreneur through her contribution and influence on society. This study aims to analyze the meaning of motivational content on the @putri_tanjung Instagram account. This paper discusses the signs and meaning of Putri Tanjung’s personal branding using Ferdinand de Saussure semiotics method. The findings show that there is intrinsic meaning in the motivation message presented in the message of each Instagram content selected in this study. The study identified components of personal branding used in the unit analysis which consists of values, skills, and behavior. This paper concludes that despite her family background, she does not represent herself based on the well-known conglomerate family, but as an inspirational individual with a work ethic.

The Effect of Depression on Motivation to Study

To obtain information about the correlation between depression and motivation to study and identify any correlation between the questions in the survey to gain more insight into the studying habits and reasons for secondary students’ motivations

Methods: a cross-sectional survey with a structured questionnaire was selected to use for data collection. Recruitment was on a voluntary basis, all participants were randomly selected and in similar age groups; however, there were varieties in gender and school systems. To test whether two variables correlate, we conduct a cross-sectional survey study. Our questionnaire consisted of 20 questions, all which have been approved by 3 experts. The sampling participants were chosen from a range of schools throughout the Bangkok province, including government schools, private schools, and international schools. The sampling participants were in grade 10-12. A total of 180 students participated in the study and completed the survey. The Statistical Product and Service Solutions version 28.0 (SPSS) was used to determine the correlation between depression and achievement motivation in the responses. It revealed that there is a negative correlation between depression and motivation to study, r(180)=-.567, p<.001.

The general trend illustrates that the traits most commonly attributed to depression cause a general decline in intrinsic motivation, more specifically, motivation to study. Furthermore, there is a clear increasing trend in depression amongst Thai teens during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is crucial to continue monitoring statistics regarding motivation as the data could be significant in designing policies regarding mental health and used for parents to understand their children more completely as well.